Am 30.10.2014 um 10:22 schrieb Juergen Spitzmueller:

     Fix the pdfcomment rewrite

Sorry Jürgen,

but this fixes nothing. See the discussion in the bug report

I said that we should have a preamble line while you don't like that. OK if you insist on that. But that is only one line.

What I really don't like is that you destroy my work of many hours. I mean I came back to LyX and noticed a new feature in branch that is not yet documented. While writing a documentation for it I encountered that the module is for many cases quite useless because it doesn't support the different options for the several LaTeX-commands provided by the package pdfcomment. I was wondering why we commit obviously incomplete modules to branch. I mean you can see from my example (and also from the pdfcomment documentation) that e.g. a PDF-line comment without command options is useless and you therefore get only a question mark instead of a line in the PDF.

What I committed is a feature-complete module AND a detailed example file describing how to use all the features of the module. So what do you want more?

So before you revert things again please have at least a look at it or send me a mail. I restored the module - without the preamble code to please you.

regards Uwe

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