Le 05/08/2015 14:38, Richard Heck a écrit :
On 08/01/2015 06:34 AM, Guillaume Munch wrote:
Here are again two very small patches if you agree.

1. Add \ensuremath to the list of math completions.

This is certainly fine.

2. math-mode inserts \text instead of \mbox when already in math mode.

For the latter, \mbox is meant as a way to switch to text mode, but
\text from amstext is more appropriate for this purpose. This forces
amstext to be automatically included, but we already include
automatically amstext for \textrm, \textit, etc. even though it's not

Uwe, do you have a view about this?

Also, a bug: I noticed that the "Insert regular expression" menu is
always visible in master (+qt5) even though it's only useful for
Advanced search (afaik). Is this on purpose?

Probably not.

ok: http://www.lyx.org/trac/ticket/9717


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