Le 19/10/2015 17:31, Guillaume Munch a écrit :
The next thing that we need for line tracking is Sweave support; sweave
does rewrite some parts of the document, and therefore the line numbers
are not accurate anymore. It is however possible to ask sweave to output
a correspondence file, but we have to make use of it...

Is there a ticket with minimal working examples?

Not yet unfortunately. The R Sweave() function has a "concordance" option that creates a file giving line concordance. I'll try to create a bug report.

There is now "TexRow concatenation" which allows to write to a string
buffer and still have the TexRow information, so maybe the first issue
is easy to fix if it uses that kind of mechanism. (There's now accurate
reporting for subcaptions thanks to this.

Not sure. The texrow lines will refer to the Rnw file created by LyX, and the LaTeX errors will be from the .tex file created by sweave from the .Rnw file.


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