>>>>> "Marko" == Marko Vendelin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Marko> Another possibility is to use exactly the same interface for
Marko> toolbar and menubar. Then the set of toolbars will be presented
Marko> by first level submenus, buttons in the toolbars --- by
Marko> commands in submenus, and comboboxen by sub-submenus. Easy and
Marko> as configurable as menubars are. Kernel will just call
Marko> toolbar->update() and menubar->update() and there will be only
Marko> one toolbar object to call by the kernel.

Using the submenu interface for combox is certainly a very good idea!

Marko> do you really want to see flashing toolbars depending on where
Marko> you are in the document? I think that usually people fix the
Marko> toolbars and these toolbars don't change much. I might be wrong
Marko> --- there are no toolbars in my gnu emacs at all.

It's not me who wanted toolbars to appear depending on cursor position
:) Note that the frontend would be free to ignore that, or condition
it on some config switch. It is just that the hook would be there.

>> - combox: currently, there is only one possible combox, the layout
>> combox. Will we need more of them, and which ones?

Marko> You might want to have any command in the combox (emphasize,
Marko> \Large, TOC, style). This is easy to implement using menu
Marko> structure.



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