On Wed, May 18, 2016 at 06:26:11PM +0200, mn wrote:
> Every mail (with attachments) in the last few days I sent to the docs-
> and devel-mailinglists was bounced.
> The message always said:
> SMTP error from remote server for TEXT command, host: thales.memphis.edu
> ( reason: 554 This message contains prohibited content
> This error message is – maybe misleading?
> There was no illegal stuff nor any profanity I could detect in the
> bounced mails.
> Since I didn’t find any offical statement on the policy regarding
> attachment types, their size or contents for the mailing list:
> What is the policy on this here?
> Why did I get those bounces?
> Can you please clarify this 554 in the future?
> Please make the policy on this more visible, easier to find.
> If it is a problem with the size of the attachments (simply a zipped
> lyx-doc, less than 50K) please increase the size of allowed attachments.
> Thx
> greetings
> Mike

Hi Mike,

My guess is it is more an issue with the file type than the size. .zip
can contain anything and I don't think simple email programs go to the
trouble of unzipping to find out.

I agree this should be documented on our website at

Can you make a ticket on trac and set the component to "website"?



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