On 07/08/2016 06:33 PM, Pavel Sanda wrote:
Michael Berger wrote:
'make' returns errors as per screenshots.

Could somebody help?
Just to make sure - you started compiling from _clean_ tree where no previous experiments/compilations were done, correct?
Thanks Pavel, yes I definitely did with the very first installation. But after that I lost somehow control. Meanwhile my problem is solved and lyx 2.2.0 is running (although I might have to do some minor adjustments in some of my old files made with TL2013 and Lyx 2.1).

Don't ask me how exactly this was accomplished. I reckon there must have been other obstacles from previous failed attempts that overlapped/interfered with the installation. Furthermore, one or two proposals made by users may perhaps have been counterproductive.

When Jürgen informed that he took over maintenance of covington and made some necessary fixes I made a fresh attempt last night. I removed everything that could have to do with LyX 2.1, Tex Live etc. installed by Mageia's software manger and started to install Lyx 2.2.0 as administrator. The installation ran through without complaints. Sorry for the efforts you took and your time invested - but in lack of knowledge my strength is just doggedness and motivation.


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