Le 22/10/2016 à 05:35, Paul Johnson a écrit :
I use LyX all the time. I love it and encourage everybody to try it.

I usually get great results.Except when I am in a hurry and forget to
change default fonts. In particular, I've been stung by the combination
of the listings class and default typewriter font.  Last week,  I threw
in a lot of R code with "<-" printed to pdf as "< ". There were
invisible dashes. I did not notice and printed handouts for a group.
Other symbols have gone missing, sometimes ~ in verbatim class is invisible.

I am surprised. Could you provide an example? But I understand the frustration when printouts made in a hurry come out wrong. Lastly, it was the printer which happily printed PDFs from an usb key, but without accents and ligatures :)


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