Le 02/11/2016 à 14:07, Joel Kulesza a écrit :
If you're spending time on infrastructure this weekend, perhaps some
site updates could be included in your work?

http://www.lyx.org/images/about/aqua.png from http://www.lyx.org/Screenshots ;-)

If you are interested in updating this part of the wiki, we can give you the necessary passwords :) Indeed everything is really out of date. The graphical tour shows proudly LyX 1.3.0pre2!

On a more serious note, with respect to the IPTables work, are
unauthorized access attempts an issue that is consuming undue system
resources?  If so, I have a script I've used before that parses logs for
offending IPs and then adds them to a drop rule.

But how does the script find the offending IPs?

If Richard manages to limit the number of concurrent connections and it proves not to be sufficient, then we will have to resort to other tricks.


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