Le 27/02/2017 à 22:08, Georg Baum a écrit :
Guillaume Munch wrote:

AFAIR, the ECMAScript regexes are a proper subset of PCRE whereas there
are incompatibilities between POSIX and PCRE. Moreover ECMAScript is the
default for <regex>, so maybe it is better supported across compilers.
This makes ECMAScript the simplest for a transition.

Is the bug there with g++ 6? I remember Georg saying that the early
implementations of <regex> in gcc were buggy.

The first usable version is in 4.9.0, so <regex> in gcc should not be a
problem anymore on any recent distro.

On the other hand I do not remember that dynamically created regexes
were reviewed for adaptation to ECMAScript so maybe there is indeed
something to change, although not (?:.

Dear Georg, do you remember the same?

I do not remember any review of dynamically generated regexes. I also have
to admit that dynamically generated regexes are too complicated IMHO (too
many levels of indirection). Unfortunately I do not understand the advanced
search well enough to propose a better solution.

Thank you Georg for the reply.

Another solution if nobody finds how to fix it is to disable
std::regex until one does.


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