On Fri, Apr 28, 2017 at 08:03:46PM +0000, Guenter Milde wrote:
> On 2017-04-28, Scott Kostyshak wrote:
> > [-- Type: text/plain, Encoding: quoted-printable --]
> > On Fri, Apr 28, 2017 at 06:09:55PM +0200, Kornel Benko wrote:
> >> Looks like lualatex problems comming with TL2017?
> More specifically, like a problem with "luainputenc" - used for
> LuaTeX with 8-bit TeX fonts:
> \usepackage[latin9]{luainputenc}
> >> They pass here with TL2016
> > Actually this is my TL 2016 system. I don't have access to my
> > TL2017-pretest virtual box for a couple of weeks. But I haven't done a
> > tlmgr update for a while so that could explain things. I'll do an update
> > and check again.
> UserGuide, Math, and Danish Intro work here.
> (Debian/testing with TeXLive2016 and
> {luainputenc} [2010/11/19 v0.973 inputenc package for LuaTeX]

I have

  Package: luainputenc 2010/11/19 v0.973 inputenc package for LuaTeX


  Lua module: luainputenc 2010/05/10 0.97 Lua simple inputenc package.

> So this seems to be a regression in "luainputenc".

Attached is an MWE and my log. Can you attach your log so we can see why
I get an error and you do not? I wonder if I have an older version of an
important file. This has happened before since I have installed many
extra packages and sometimes those packages unfortunately bundle old
versions of dependencies. Does anyone know how to find cases of multiple
style files with the same name? I looked in Tools > TeX Information, but
I could not find duplicates listed there.

> May be a side-effect of fixing wrong output?
> Mark, that there must be more problems than the degree sign °, as this
> character is not present in the Danish intro.

In the Danish intro, the problem for me is the ® in "PostScript®"

> Do you think we should revert and export ° as \textdegree (and similar) in all
> exports and encodings because of a regression in a rarely used and poorly
> supported combination (LuaTeX with TeX fonts)?

No, I'm just asking questions. I have no opinion yet since I'm not
convinced we really understand the problem. The problem might be an old
file on my side. You wrote in the commit message about a workaround of a
bug in TL 2005. I was just confused that I seem to still suffer from
this bug (or maybe there is something strange with my system since no
one can reproduce the error it seems).

> Or rather report the problem upstream and invert the tests.

This is of course always good if there is a bug. Let's first figure out
why I am the only one who gets an error.

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No file mwe.22.aux.

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File: ts1cmr.fd 2014/09/29 v2.5h Standard LaTeX font definitions
LaTeX Font Info:    ... okay on input line 10.
! Undefined control sequence.
l.11 rotated 90°
The control sequence at the end of the top line
of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have
misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct
spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue,
and I'll forget about whatever was undefined.


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