El 30.04.2017 a las 03:48, Uwe Stöhr escribió:

Fixing this in the Cmake Gui leads me to this error which I cannot overcome:

C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\V140\Microsoft.CppCommon.targets(133,5): error MSB3073: Der Befehl "setlocal\r

I found now the problem: configuring CMake the fist time will set PYTHON_EXECUTABLE and LYX_PYTHON_EXECUTABLE to the python library found in the specified GNUWIN32_DIR:

But one needs the path to the Python installation, so in my case setting LYX_PYTHON_EXECUTABLE to C:/Python27/python.exe fixed the problem.

Kornel, is there anything that could be done here? I mean if CMake cannot find the python.exe that is installed, then LYX_PYTHON_EXECUTABLE should be kept empty so that one get an error during the configuration of CMake and then knows that one has to specify the path to the python executable.

thanks and regards

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