On Fri, Aug 25, 2017 at 09:38:11PM +0000, Guenter Milde wrote:
> On 2017-08-25, Enrico Forestieri wrote:
> > On Thu, Aug 24, 2017 at 09:29:15PM +0000, Guenter Milde wrote:
> >> 
> >> -* LyX now outputs en- and em-dashes as -- and --- ligatures when 
> >> exporting to
> >> -  latex using TeX fonts, as done in version 2.1 and earlier. In version 
> >> 2.2
> >> -  they were instead output as the macros \textendash and \textemdash, 
> >> causing
> >> -  changed output with old documents and bugs. The 2.2 behavior can be 
> >> restored
> >> -  by don't allowing using dash ligatures in Document->Settings->Fonts.
> > I find the above a concise and to the point description of the issue.
> I disagree. The above is an incorrect description.

We go into semantics here. If you wanted an en- or em-dash you would have
typed -- or ---. The chance that you were copy/pasting them is very low.
The fact that \texte?dash macros could be output was an unfortunate
consequence of the change you mention below.

> LyX exported en- and em-dashes as literal characters or
> \textemdash \textendash since 10 years. See
> https://www.lyx.org/trac/changeset/18802/lyxsvn
> The concise description could be something in the line of:
> >> +  The new setting
> >> +  "Document->Settings->Fonts->Output em- and en-dash as ligatures" forces
> >> +  output of en- and em-dashes as -- and --- when exporting to LaTeX.
> >> +  The setting is on by default, unselected when opening documents edited
> >> +  with LyX 2.2, and ignored for documents using non-TeX fonts.
>       See <pointer to the manual entry> for details.
> >> +  See also "Caveats when upgrading from earlier versions to 2.3.x".

This seems much better.

> The list of caveats and incompatibilities may be shortened if we fix them.
> >> +* If you used literal em- and en-dashes in pre-2.2 documents, you must
> >> +  manually unselect
> >> +  "Document->Settings->Fonts->Output em- and en-dash as ligatures" to
> >> +  ensure unchanged line break behaviour.
> This can be avoided when setting the setting based on document content.

And what when both types are present? This is unfeasible.

As regards all other suggestions, nobody can read your mind. You have
to provide working patches demonstrating what you mean. You cannot simply
provide abstract descriptions eluding all possible problems that can arise
when you actually try to implement them.


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