Stephan Witt wrote:
> > If it's not easily possible we should at least make clear to newcomers that 
> > lyx without tex & imagemagick will have lot of problems.
> LyX without TeX is a problem. This can be solved by a newcomer by installing 
> MacTeX. Easy.
> LyX without ImageMagick shouldn???t be a problem for a user who is working 
> with PNG, EPS and PDF images only, IMHO.
> To install ImageMagick on a Mac you have to install Xcode and MacPorts (or 
> HoweBrew) and use the terminal to get a running ImageMagick.
> What is the fundamental problem I have without ImageMagick? What graphics 
> capabilities of LyX do you refer to?

We use convert pretty much as default except when explicit converter is defined 
so besides few formats and precisely selected output routes you'll get in 

I doubt even your PNG/EPS/PDF selection will be without problems. If I insert 
png image and select postscript as output format will it work?
Will html generation work? Will instant preview work? (didn't check, these just 
randomly pop in my mind).

Isn't it possible just to grab some statically linked convert and push it into 
dmg package...?

Anyway my point was that current svgz info-inset problem is not likely big deal 
or even showstopper because my guess is that bunch of other lyx documents we 
distribute won't compile for various output formats without convert. But its 
guess, I did not spent time to investigate.


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