On Tue, Mar 13, 2001 at 10:39:26AM +0100, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
> >>>>> "Amir" == Amir Karger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Amir> Did we ever get an estimate of how many people use LyX? Any
> Amir> ideas of how to use number of downloads to guess at it?
> I really do not know how we could do that. I forgot what the
> membership of lyx-users is, but it was not that large. The webserver
> stats may help to get an idea too.

At the least, we could sum up the number of downloads of 1.1.6 source,
binaries, and rpm including the various mirrors. That wouldnt' be *too* much
work, would it? Admittedly, that wouldn't count any of the people who do
cvs, but that's probably just a few hundred, and it wouldnt' count all the
people who didn't download 1.1.6 (probably a lot, because of table problems
and whatnot. This might work better for 1.2.0.) And it wouldn't count
multiple people using one copy, and I know there are a number of sysadmins

I was just wondering about an order of magnitude. I was thinking the number
was probably in the low 1E5's, but that's a complete guess. It could be as
low as a couple thousand. Who knows?


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