On 05/31/2018 06:14 PM, Andrew Parsloe wrote:
> On 16/05/2018 3:33 p.m., Richard Kimberly Heck wrote:
>> I have finally managed to build Windows installers for 2.3.0. They can
>> be found here:
>>      http://ftp.lyx.org/pub/lyx/devel/lyx-2.3/
>> Let me emphasize again that
>> I have tested them a little bit myself, but not a whole lot. They seem
>> to work, basically---I compiled the tutorial---but that's as far as I'm
>> going to go in vouching for them. My understanding of the installer code
>> is pretty basic at this point.
>> The executables were cross-compiled using MinGW on Linux. So these are
>> not at all the same binaries that we have previously been distributing.
>> The installers themselves, however, are pretty much the same, though
>> without the "Update MiKTeX" code, which has just been commented out. If
>> we want to include it, but issue some kind of warning, then I think that
>> will need to be translated. I know where to put the translated strings,
>> but I'm not entirely sure how to get them from the translators, and that
>> will of course take time.
>> Longer term, I have some thoughts about how to improve our situation on
>> Windows, and there's been vigorous discussion over on the user list. But
>> I'll save that for after we get an installer for 2.3.x.
>> Riki
>> PS Certainly one thing I've learned is that installing LyX with MikTeX
>> takes *forever*, and I've got a fast internet connection. It would be
>> nice to know what packages we need to install to compile the User Guide,
>> etc, and just install those, rather than every single package LyX could
>> possibly need. This is not trivial, since some of those are font
>> definitions.
> I've installed the 104 installer on a windows 7 system. The icon
> missing with the 103 installer is now present. LyX seems to be working
> -- it certainly displays the help docs correctly.

Thanks for the report. I'm hoping to finalize all this over the next week.


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