Thanks Helge. You made your point and I fully concur. It is as simple as that: Different tasks need different tools. Who wants to deny that fact?


Am 30.07.2018 um 16:13 schrieb Helge Hafting:

Den 10. juli 2018 00:19, skrev Uwe Stöhr:

* compatibility with other file formats: a major task is to collaborate with others.
My solution to this is: use LyX when the others writes LyX or LaTeX.  Otherwise, use libreoffice. (word is not an option - I don't use the required windows and I don't pay for sw where good free alternatives exists.)

I don't think it is a problem to have more than one word processor. Hence, I don't need LyX to do "everything".  I use it for writing, which it does very well. Certainly much better than the alternatives I have seen.  I can use libreoffice when someone wants comments on their docx. (And others can use LyX, if they want to co-author with me.) The required sw is free either way, and disk space is cheap enough these days.

I don't see why LyX would be a no-go just because "it won't open your old word documents." Word users already have word for that. Just make it clear that this is the case, LyX is for writing new documents (and working on old LyX documents, of course.) One-off conversion can usually be done by copy+paste.

My impression is that file format converters are very hard, because the underlying file formats are so different. Word positions stuff on a page - LyX collects your sentences, keeps track of what it all is (text, heading, abstract etc) and do page breaking just-in-time when printing.

Before a converter can be written (by volunteer or a funded programmer) we need to know what such a conversion should do:

* Create a converted document that renders the same way on the other platform? I don't think this is realistic. If we go for the same line/page breaking, then the converted document will be full of positioning commands, and certainly not something that can be edited in a meaningful way.

* A "reasonable" conversion in that headings become headings, plain text becomes plain text - and all supportable features survive conversion? The first problem with this, is that people *will* complain when something looks different. Even if still looks good. A subsection might get on another page, making it hard to phone up a co-author "to fix the spelling error on page 13, at the end of the second line".

Another problem is that many word documents are created in a very bad way. There are forced line breaks, forced page breaks and similar all over. (A "good" word document is one that looks nice, and where you can change the text size, the page size and the margins - and then it still looks good without you having to change anything. Such a document may not be hard to convert to LyX.)  A document that has some manual line breaks, usually breaks badly if you increase the font size or make the lines a little shorter. Such a document will also be hard to convert to LyX in a meaningful way. What to do about a manual page break? Word users uses them to avoid getting a heading at the end of page - as word doesn't always do that automatically.  But they also use them mistakenly, where word is capable of breaking automatically. Upon conversion to LyX, the line breaking will be different, and also the page breaking. LyX still support forced breaks, but should we take them all, or none, or some?

Third problem: too many features that doesn't exist in both LyX and word, which breaks conversions of any documents using them.

I am not opposed to converters, but even specifying one seems hard. If you can solve that problem, then a converter might be possible to write.


I could add some more things. But this is not my point. I see that most LyX developers only code for their pleasure not for the things the potential customers need the most.
That might have something to do with not having any actual customers. (paying customers, that is.) Volunteers generally do what they want, and rarely care about 'market share'. I want enough 'market share' that LyX keeps being developed - but we are there already.

You may want to look into Pavel's idea about funding features for those willing to pay.

I don't want to blame anybody but I want to make clear that we all need to improve our sights to the real world. There is a good reason why more than 90 % of PC users use Windows.
I am not sure there are any good reasons for those 90%, other than marketing & inertia. It is not as if windows actually have advantages. (Use windows because you always used windows - even if the new version is almost as different from the old as linux is).

Incidentally, this inertia also means lots of people won't switch word processor - even if all shortcomings in LyX were fixed.

For example I also made my step out of the Windows world to understand how it is under Linux. I found out that it does change the view on the treatment of third-party programs but the main deficiencies of LyX remain: missing file format conversion and simplicity. Up to now me only developed things some of use needed for their private tasks. Jürgen Spitzmüller for example did an incredible work on language and font support. That made LyX better for many users every new release but without him LyX would not have these features. So we need a plan what to develop to get and keep users, not what is our pleasure to develop. If e.g. users polls that they miss the most better support for tables (colored cells, sortable tables etc.) then we should develop this, no matter that most of the developers don't need colored table cells in their documents.
Market research and managed development has its place - but I think you'll need funding and paid developers for that. If nobody volunteers for "colored table cells" then it doesn't happen - even if it is at the top of "what users (or prospective users) wants". Few people volunteer for "managed development."  Especially if they already are used to be their own manager. When the only payment is the software itself, we make the software the way we wants it.

Last but not least I realized that LyX lacks a feasible structure that makes it possible to achieve a more convenient product. I understood why other projects setup foundations. Such constructs decouples the development from personal interests of the different developers because non-developers play an important rile, they make the project more democratic with elections of a board of persons and the incorporation of users and they allow to lobby for goals. These goals are to force and help with e.g. the development in third-party programs like Pandoc to provide features LyX cannot deliver on its own but needs it to survive in the long run.

Such a foundation makes sense if you can get funding. Then, you need to manage carefully what money is spent on, to make the most of it. Developers may then choose to work for money on prioritized tasks, or volunteer work on more interesting stuff they themselves want. Obviously, money can attract extra developers for "boring" jobs.

So what can be done? In my opinion, we should
- define the goal of LyX together with our users. Maybe the result is to hide background stuff, maybe it is the opposite. Whatever it might be, that should be the base for future development. - setup a "board of development" that take care of user feedback and who define the things the next version of LyX should have. Such a board should only be 50% consist of developers. Translators are not treated as developers. The idea is to see what people really need and to organize its development so that several developers develop a certain feature. The idea is that playing in a big band is fun despite that e.g. you cannot play your trombone when you like it but only in a way it fits to the whole band.
Development already works that way, you cannot get a patch in that don't work with the rest of LyX.  So "you may play trombone, but only as long as you play the same tune as the others".  The problem you describe, is that concert goers thinks it sounds better with some drums, but nobody wants to play those. The band is having a fun time anyway.

Helge Hafting

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