On 29/08/2018 1:30 p.m., Uwe Stöhr wrote:
Dear LyX Windows users,

yesterday I noticed a severe bug in the LaTeX system "MiKTeX" that LyX is usually using under Windows. The problem is that if you
- upgrade MiKTeX or LyX
- install a new LaTeX package
- refresh the MiKTeX package database

you will end up in a broken LaTeX with error messages like "unknown procedure entry point".

I experimented around for more than 2 hours but could not find a workaround once LaTeX is broken. Even a reinstallation of LyX or MiKTeX doesn't help since the result are always broken DLLs and I could not find a way to prevent this.

Therefore I strongly recommend not to change anything in your LaTeX setup nor to compile LyX documents that might use special LaTeX packages hat are not yet installed on your PC.
Also don't install another version of LyX or reinstall LyX.

I hope this issue will be fixed soon and report back.

regards Uwe
I met this problem too, but after waiting a day and then updating MiKTeX again it has vanished and I am once more able to compile documents (and use instant preview, which the problem also interfered with).


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