Le 04/09/2018 à 02:02, Andrew Parsloe a écrit :
Working with mathed in 2.3.1, I've noted a couple of small items.

1. Some primes need more space. Lowercase: t', d'; uppercase T', E', F'. (T' is the worst.) This is using the default Times New Roman at 150% zoom.

Could you show a screenshot? I do not see it.

2. It seems much harder now to select a subscript with the mouse in an inline formula without selecting the symbol it is attached to, e.g. selecting 'i' with the mouse in $f_{i}$, particularly when there is another line of text in the same paragraph below the formula. This was always a bit fiddly but seems to be considerably more delicate now.

Is it more delicate because the cursor is too small to be seen? What kind of setup do your have? What would you suggest to do?


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