On 09/30/2018 04:46 PM, Andrew Parsloe wrote:
> On 1/10/2018 5:44 a.m., Richard Kimberly Heck wrote:
>> On 9/30/18 1:52 AM, Daniel wrote:
>>> On 29/09/2018 23:19, Richard Kimberly Heck wrote:
>>>> On 09/29/2018 04:58 PM, Daniel wrote:
>>>>> On 29/09/2018 03:59, Richard Kimberly Heck wrote:
>>>>>> New version for testing here:
>>>>>>        http://ftp.lyx.org/pub/lyx/devel/lyx-2.3/
>>>>>> Hopefully solves both problems with the earlier version. Please see
>>>>>> "Installer 3" thread, though, for some caveats.
>>>>> Thanks. It did remove the old .exe but seems to still use the
>>>>> unversioned user directory...
>>>> Yes, I hadn't done anything about that, except to change
>>>> configure.py so
>>>> that it copies over
>>>> information from the versioned one to the unversioned one. I'm working
>>>> on it now.
>>> It didn't copy my system. But maybe that was because I already had
>>> both directories due to the previous install.
>> Yes, that would have done it. But I've removed that code now, since we
>> do use versioned directories, and only people unfortunate enough to have
>> tested these installers will now have an unversioned user directory.
>> That said, I guess it would be worth our having some routine that copied
>> versioned user directories on major-release upgrades (e.g., copy
>> "LyX2.2" to "LyX2.3"), as we do on OSX. The code I had written could
>> easily be transformed to do that. You think I should do that? It
>> probably that only benefits people when we release 2.4, whenever that
>> is, but some late adopters of 2.3.x might benefit, too. (That would be
>> in 2.3.2, I guess.)
>> Riki
> This has always been an issue with major upgrades on windows,
> requiring manually transferring the contents of, e.g., the LyX2.2
> folders to the new and empty LyX2.3 folders. The automatic transfer of
> the contents has been mentioned (wistfully) on the list before.

OK, I'll modify what I had and probably post it here for testing.


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