On 10/1/18 1:12 PM, Chris Menzel wrote:
> Dear selfless and heroic LyX developers,
> I have noticed that the most recent version of LyX for Ubuntu is
> 2.3.0-1 and (according to the PPA
> <https://launchpad.net/~lyx-devel/+archive/ubuntu/release>) that
> version was uploaded last March. I'm just wondering if this indicates
> that maintenance of the Ubuntu port is stalled or if (as I suspect)
> other obligations are (understandably) simply not allowing the
> maintainer time to compile and package up the latest version.

Liviu Andronic has provided a PPA for LyX for a while now, but I haven't
seen him on the list for a little while.

Note that it is pretty easy to build LyX yourself on Linux. I can give
instructions if you need them. The main thing is just getting the build
dependencies installed. I think "apt-get build-deps lyx" will do that,
though I'm not sure if that gives you Qt4 or Qt5.


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