
I did not manage to download MS Visual Studio Community 2015 from the official website - it only gives me 2017. [1]

Is it possible to build LyX to built LyX with MSVC 2017? I tried it but get errors (below for MSVC).


[1] I tried also from https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/vs/older-downloads/ but it gives me only:

"Sorry, we couldn't find any downloads for you.
To continue, please join Visual Studio Dev Essentials or purchase a Visual Studio Subscription."

========================== MSVC =============================

Severity        Code    Description     Project File    Line    Suppression 
Error C2065 'cmatch': undeclared identifier LyX (applications\LyX\LyX) C:\Users\Daniel\LyXSource\lyx\src\lyxfind.cpp 1352 Error C2146 syntax error: missing ';' before identifier 'cm' LyX (applications\LyX\LyX) C:\Users\Daniel\LyXSource\lyx\src\lyxfind.cpp 1352 Error C2065 'cm': undeclared identifier LyX (applications\LyX\LyX) C:\Users\Daniel\LyXSource\lyx\src\lyxfind.cpp 1352 Error C2065 'cm': undeclared identifier LyX (applications\LyX\LyX) C:\Users\Daniel\LyXSource\lyx\src\lyxfind.cpp 1354 Error C2065 'cm': undeclared identifier LyX (applications\LyX\LyX) C:\Users\Daniel\LyXSource\lyx\src\lyxfind.cpp 1355 Error C2065 'cm': undeclared identifier LyX (applications\LyX\LyX) C:\Users\Daniel\LyXSource\lyx\src\lyxfind.cpp 1357 Error C2065 'cm': undeclared identifier LyX (applications\LyX\LyX) C:\Users\Daniel\LyXSource\lyx\src\lyxfind.cpp 1360
Error   MSB3073 The command "setlocal
"C:\Program Files\CMake\bin\cmake.exe" -DBUILD_TYPE=Debug -P cmake_install.cmake
if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto :cmEnd
endlocal & call :cmErrorLevel %errorlevel% & goto :cmDone
exit /b %1
if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto :VCEnd
:VCEnd" exited with code 1. INSTALL C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\Common7\IDE\VC\VCTargets\Microsoft.CppCommon.targets 138

========================== CMAKE =============================

TOP_SRC_DIR = C:/Users/Daniel/LyXSource/lyx

Building out-of-source

CXX11_FLAG_DETECTED = "noflagneeded"
Compiler supports std_regex
Found GNUWIN32: C:/Users/Daniel/LyXSource/lyx-dep
Found Qt-Version 5.11.2
Function magic_file not found
Function magic_open not found
Function magic_load not found
Function magic_close not found
Function magic_error not found
Could NOT find Magic (missing: Magic_INCLUDE_DIR Magic_LIBRARY HAS_MAGIC_FUNCTIONS)
  * Hunspell:
     - include: C:/Users/Daniel/LyXSource/lyx/3rdparty/hunspell/1.6.2/src
     - library: hunspell
ASPELL not found, building without ASPELL support
ENCHANT not found, building without Enchant support
Building with USE_HUNSPELL
Could NOT find LYX_PY_polib (missing: LYX_PY_POLIB)
You will be unable to update layouttranslations file

----- PACKAGE                     : LyX2.4
----- PACKAGE_VERSION             : 2.4.0dev
----- PROGRAM_SUFFIX              :
----- LYX_DIR_VER                 : LYX_DIR_24x
----- LYX_USERDIR_VER             : LYX_USERDIR_24x
----- LYX_ABS_TOP_SRCDIR          : C:/Users/Daniel/LyXSource/lyx
----- LYX_INSTALL_SUFFIX          : 2.4

----- Warning level      : 3
----- Warnings as errors : /we4101 /we4189
----- Warnings disabled : /wd4288 /wd4355 /wd4800 /wd4996 /wd4267 /wd4180 /wd4231

Using icon defined in resource file: C:/Users/Daniel/LyXSource/lyx/development/cmake/lyx.rc Using icon defined in resource file: C:/Users/Daniel/LyXSource/lyx/development/cmake/lyx.rc comparepdf (= "COMPAREPDF_EXECUTABLE-NOTFOUND") not found ==> no pdf comparision in test AMS-import
doxygen not found, ==> no doxygen creation

Build params, switch LYX_* options by -DLYX_*=ON or OFF, LYX_* combos by -DLYX_*=value:

LYX_CPACK = OFF : Use the CPack management (Implies LYX_INSTALL option) LYX_LOCALVERSIONING = OFF : Add version info to created package name (only used if LYX_CPACK option set) LYX_INSTALL = ON : Build install projects/rules (implies a bunch of other options)
LYX_NLS                  = ON     : Enable Native Language Support (NLS)
LYX_REQUIRE_SPELLCHECK   = OFF    : Abort if no spellchecker available
LYX_ASPELL               = OFF    : Require aspell
LYX_ENCHANT              = OFF    : Require Enchant
LYX_HUNSPELL             = ON     : Require Hunspell
LYX_RELEASE = ON : Build release version, build debug when disabled
LYX_DEBUG                = OFF    : Enforce debug build
LYX_NO_OPTIMIZE          = OFF    : Don't use any optimization/debug flags
LYX_PACKAGE_SUFFIX       = ON     : Use version suffix for packaging
LYX_SUFFIX_VALUE         =        : Use this string as suffix
LYX_PCH                  = OFF    : Use precompiled headers
LYX_MERGE_FILES = OFF : Merge source files into one compilation unit LYX_MERGE_REBUILD = OFF : Rebuild generated files from merged files build
LYX_QUIET                = OFF    : Don't generate verbose makefiles
LYX_INSTALL_PREFIX       = OFF    : Install path for LyX
LYX_BUNDLE               = OFF    : Build bundle  (experimental)
LYX_ENABLE_URLTESTS      = OFF    : Enable for URL tests
LYX_ENABLE_EXPORT_TESTS  = OFF    : Enable for export tests
LYX_ENABLE_KEYTESTS      = OFF    : Enable for keytests
LYX_ASAN                 = OFF    : Use address sanitizer
LYX_USE_FILEDIALOG       = QT     : Use native or QT file dialog (QT NATIVE)
LYX_USE_QT = QT5 : Use Qt version as frontend (AUTO QT4 QT5)
LYX_EXTERNAL_Z           = OFF    : OFF := Build 3rdparty lib zlib
LYX_EXTERNAL_ICONV       = OFF    : OFF := Build 3rdparty lib iconvlib
LYX_EXTERNAL_HUNSPELL    = OFF    : OFF := Build 3rdparty lib hunspelllib
LYX_EXTERNAL_MYTHES = OFF : OFF := Build 3rdparty lib mytheslib (AUTO OFF ON)
LYX_CONSOLE              = ON     : Show console on Windows
LYX_VLD                  = OFF    : Use VLD with MSVC
LYX_WALL                 = OFF    : Enable all warnings
LYX_DEPENDENCIES_DOWNLOAD= OFF    : Download dependencies for MSVC 10

CMake command with options is available in shell script

Building Native Language Support (LYX_NLS is set), used libraries:

  * iconv
     - include: C:/Users/Daniel/LyXSource/lyx-build/libiconv/include
     - library: iconv
  * zlib
     - include: C:/Users/Daniel/LyXSource/lyx/3rdparty/zlib/1.2.11
     - library: zlibstatic

Configuring done
Generating done

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