On 25/10/2018 11:55, Kornel Benko wrote:
Am Donnerstag, 25. Oktober 2018 11:36:58 CEST schrieb Daniel <xraco...@gmx.de>:
On 25/10/2018 11:34, Daniel wrote:
On 25/10/2018 10:11, Kornel Benko wrote:
Am Donnerstag, 25. Oktober 2018 07:18:55 CEST schrieb Daniel
On 24/10/2018 20:00, Daniel wrote:
On 24/10/2018 17:48, Kornel Benko wrote:
Am Mittwoch, 24. Oktober 2018 17:34:45 CEST schrieb Kornel Benko
Actually, the LyX configure is not working so I have no
textclasses and
I cannot "Reconfigure...".

The console shows the following (which might be related):

support\Systemcall.cpp (261): Systemcall: 'python -tt

did not start!
support\Systemcall.cpp (262): error The process failed to start.
the invoked program is missing, or you may have insufficient
to invoke the program.


This looks wrong to me. Binary-dir and the path to configure.py
should be related.
I would have expected configure.py to lie in

(I may be wrong of course)

Next question:
      How did you start lyx?
If you want to use the source dir as system dir (instead of installed
dir) then you may start lyx with
      # lyx -sysdir "C:/Users/Daniel/LyXSource/lyx/lib"


I was starting LyX from


... But still get

Library directory: ~\LyXSource\lyx\lib\

Since configure.py is indeed in


I tried

# .\LyX.exe -sysdir "C:\Users\Daniel\LyXSource\lyx-build\LYX_INS

Expecting LyX to change the system directory accordingly. But still get
the same error.

Here is all the stuff I am seeing in the console until I have created a
new document. Maybe something makes sense:

PS C:\Users\Daniel\LyXSource\lyx-build\LYX_INSTALLED\bin> .\LyX.exe
-sysdir "C:\Users\Daniel\LyXSource\lyx-build\LYX_INS
Looking for python v2.x or 3.x ...
Examining C:/Program Files/MiKTeX 2.9/miktex/bin/x64//pythontex.exe
Warning: No python v2.x or 3.x binary found.

That's a main reason. Without python in path, you can neither
configure nor read old lyx-files.
(lyx2lyx needs python for instance)

LyX: reconfiguring user directory
support\Systemcall.cpp (268): Systemcall: 'python -tt
did not start!
support\Systemcall.cpp (269): error The process failed to start. Either
the invoked program is missing,


I reinstalled Python and noticed that the option to set the PATH is not
checked by default. So I checked it. This should probably be mentioned
in the documentation on building LyX on Windows.

Changed CMakeLists.txt:288 to


even with the latest changes you made it didn't work without, as I
commented previously. By the way what means

          set(LYX_USE_STD_REGEX 1) #TODO should we use it in ECMAScript

Shouldn't it be MSVC15 for Visual Studio 2017? Some something like
"MSVC10 or above"?

Well, I forgot the most important part:

With that all being set everything seems to work now (as far as I have


Sure. What is the value of MSVC10, respective MSVC15?
        message(STATUS "Value of MSVC is \"${MSVC15}\"")
Maybe asking for the version could help
        message(STATUS "Version = \"${MSVC_VERSION}\"")

Are you asking me to try that out? I have been only using the CMake GUI so far. But I do not see anything there to run commands. So, more specific instructions would be helpful.

in that case the 'if' statement could be
                set(LYX_USE_STD_REGEX 1)


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