On Fri, 16 Mar 2001, Kalle Dalheimer wrote:

> Hi,
> this might have been discussed already...
> Is there anything that speaks against linking the frontends dynamically? 
> Linking LyX takes considerable time (strange: more time than linking e.g. 
> Konqueror with much more code, taken everything together), and if you only 
> work on one frontend you could save that step of linking the binary.
> This might also open the path to switching frontends dynamically later 
> ("skins" :-)), even though this might have a whole slew of other problems...
> Kalle

I briefly mentioned the idea before. I think it would be a great
idea but I don't know anything about libtool. As far as I'm concerned
if someone (you ?) can get it working that would be great (especially for
those of use regularly switching frontends)


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