Hi all,

I just installed 2.3.2 and I have a question regarding change tracking. I'm not sure if this is a change in 2.3.2, or if it's always been this way and I just never tripped over it. If I have change tracking turned on and I change the font of a selection (for instance, by clicking the emphasis button, or via the text style dialog), the selection is /not/ marked as changed. That's very unhandy ...

... but not as unhandy as the new feature in the text style dialog that causes it to pick up the current settings of the selected (rather than initializing everything to "No change"). I frequently change just the series to bold and then use the apply last style button repeatedly. That will now screw up other text that I'm making bold if it has any characteristic different from the first text I made bold. Changing each of the other boxes in the style dialog to "No change" is a royal PITA. Assuming this is the new normal for the style dialog, any chance there could at least be a button at the bottom that would clear all settings?

Grump, grump, grump.


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