>>>>> "Christian" == Christian B Wiik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Christian> What Lars forgot to mention, is that this fresh install was
Christian> a test I did (on another computer) after I discovered the
Christian> file preferences.xform, preferences and lastfiles in my
Christian> home-dir. These files suddenly appeared after a cvs update
Christian> on my computer that has been running LyX happily (on
Christian> ~/.lyx) for months.

So you do have a .lyx/, but LyX decides not to use it? 

Christian> Further investigation shows that regardless of any ~/.lyx
Christian> directory or not, LyX still reads from and writes to these
Christian> files in ~/ Tried both an empty ~/.lyx and the "old" dir
Christian> that worked before.

Christian> If still a mystery, please provide directions, and I'll try
Christian> to help figure this out.

Do you have by chance (?) a variable LYX_USERDIR_11x set in your

Could you run LyX with "-dbg init" command line option?


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