Am Do., 21. März 2019 um 10:35 Uhr schrieb Jean-Marc Lasgouttes <>:

> It looks good. A few additional remarks:
> * the Type selector is a bit confusing, since the two types are open
> from a different menu entry. What is the use case? I would get rid of it.

I thought it would make sense to be able to open an example file as
template and vice versa.

> * Here I have an empty and disabled language selector. This is very
> confusing. What does it mean?

The languages can only be determined for specific entries. So the selector
is filled as soon as you select a file.

> * can the tooltip be used to convey explicitly whether the file is from
> user or system dir ? I am not sure that people will understand
> immediately what the icons mean.

Yes, it should do this, but this is currently broken due to the languages
rewrite (same for the icons BTW).

I fix it as soon as a find the time (now I am busy with RL)

> * What happens if I have the same subdirectory in system and user
> directory?

user directory is preferred.


> JMarc

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