On Wed, Jun 5, 2019 at 8:47 AM Pavel Sanda <sa...@lyx.org> wrote:

> On Tue, Jun 04, 2019 at 01:51:08PM -0600, Joel Kulesza wrote:
> > I also think a ???show anyway??? error on view is warranted for broken
> citations, similar to when no citations are entered.
> Me too and this should be enough actually.
> - Patch 1 will err when citation is broken
> - adding patch 2 on top of that will also err in case cross-ref is broken.
> This is potentially going to affect users who live at ease with broken
> refs,
> so please object if you think I am going too far.
> I think we should stop if cits are broken, I am less sure about references
> broken.
> If there are no objections even to references I improve 2nd patch little
> bit so
> UNDEF_REF instead of UNDEF_CIT is used and commit it too.

Thanks for putting these together so quickly.  Some comments:

   1.  p1: The notation seems inconsistent, referring to both citations and
   references.  From what I understand, I would refer strictly to citations
   (perhaps preceded by bibliography, to help orient a reader).
   2. p1: I believe that when a citation key cannot be found, the key is
   given.  Could this be provided to the user to help him/her better locate
   the issue?
   3. p2: Perhaps "undefined cross-references"?  Same comment about echoing
   the key that is incorrectly cross-referenced?

To your concern about being too aggressive: this is potentially an issue.
However, while I find it a nuisance when I insert a bibliography, haven't
yet inserted citations, and have to dismiss the errors and "show anyway," I
prefer that situation to silent failures that I *don't* expect.  The same
applies here.

Do you have any thoughts on coloring the buttons in the GUI to indicate

I looked at this somewhat briefly a while back but I couldn't figure it out
in the time that I looked.  I suspect the correct approach is obvious to
someone more familiar with the code, but I'm not sure who that would be
(I'd be willing to look at this again if someone is willing to provide some

Thanks again,

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