Can we get this tested on MacOS?

On 6/19/19 4:52 PM, Jason Sun wrote:
> This problem is resolved by inserting the  following code to the
> TocWidget.cpp file
> voidTocWidget::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent*event)
> {
> if(event->key()==Qt::Key_Return)
> {
> QModelIndexconst&curIdx=tocTV->currentIndex();
> goTo(curIdx);
> gui_view_.setFocus();
> gui_view_.activateWindow();
> }
> }
> Will be pushing a fix to the branch soon. 
> On Wed, Jun 19, 2019 at 3:21 PM Jason Sun <
> <>> wrote:
>     I use MacOX High Sierra 10.13.6 and LyX 2.3.2. 
>     The problem is the outline items(sections in the document) can
>     only be selected by mouse click. However, the same LyX 2.3.2 on
>     RollApp(cloud version of LyX) doesn’t not have this problem. 
>     After looking at the source code, I thought of two solutions but
>     none of them worked.
>     *Solution 1*. I added the following function to the TocWidget.cpp
>     file to specifically handle the keyPressEvent: 
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>     void TocWidget::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event)
>     {
>     if(event->key() == Qt::Key_Enter)
>     {
>     QModelIndex const & curIdx = tocTV->currentIndex();
>     goTo(curIdx);
>     gui_view_.setFocus();
>     gui_view_.activateWindow();
>     }
>     }
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>     But it doesn’t work after compiling against Qt5 
>     *Solution 2.* I tried to hack the original function
>     on_tocTV_pressed by adding a keyboardModifier flag check:
>     ___________________________________________________________________
>     void TocWidget::on_tocTV_pressed(QModelIndex const & index)
>     {
>     Qt::MouseButtons const button = QApplication::mouseButtons();
>     Qt::KeyboardModifiers const modifier =
>     QApplication::keyboardModifiers();
>     if ((button & Qt::LeftButton) ||
>     modifier.testFlag(Qt::ShiftModifier)) {
>     goTo(index);
>     gui_view_.setFocus();
>     gui_view_.activateWindow();
>     }
>     }
>     ___________________________________________________________________
>     But still to no avail. I am not sure what is the problem here. I
>     need some help/guidance in making this work on MacOS since this is
>     the only place that requires mouse input. If this could be solved,
>     I can 100% write my document mouse free which is a huge
>     improvement considering the going back and forth in a large
>     document using a mouse causes some inconvenience.
>     I also tried the same thing on 2.4 development build and the
>     problem persists. I don’t even know how to debug the program. It
>     would be very helpful if someone can tell me how to see(or print
>     to status bar) all the variables or at least the QtIndices when
>     navigating through the tocTV variable on GUI. 
>     Jason Sun
>     Ph.D Candidate
>     Department of Statistical Science
>     Cornell University
>     105 Malott Hall
>     Ithaca, NY 14853-3201
> -- 
> /*Daqian Sun*/
> /Tel:607-379-5149
> /
> /Department of Mathematics /
> /Department of Economics/
> /Cornell University/

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