On 7/22/19 5:12 PM, Pavel Sanda wrote:
> On Sun, Jul 14, 2019 at 11:28:28PM -0600, Joel Kulesza wrote:
>> LyX Developers (Jürgen in particular):
>> A few questions on the Insert -> Field capability with respect to version
>> control:
>>    1. When git hashes (i.e. VCS Revisions) are entered, I see that they are
>>    updated when the underlying revision is updated.  This generally delights
>>    me.  However, what governs this update logic timing (when the document is
>>    opened, at some interval, etc.)?  Is there an indication to the user that
>>    this part of the document has changed?  If not, should there be?
> Without looking at the code IIRC it updates at each document (re)load (that
> includes git commits via lyx gui).

I could be wrong, but it looks to be re-calculated each time through
updateBuffer (which would include reloads). Which, Joel, would mean it
is reset very often. Not on every keystroke, but almost that often.

The user should just expect these auto-calculated things to update, uh,
automatically, it seems to me.


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