Am Montag, den 22.07.2019, 21:33 +0200 schrieb Cor Blom:
> I use logical navigation. What I expect is that with logical
> navigation 
> the direction is determined by the direction (RTL or LTR) of the
> whole 
> paragraph. When in the paragraph a few words have an alternative 
> direction (such as a couple of RTL words in LTR text) than with
> those 
> words the cursor movement is going backwards, following the direction
> of 
> the text, but also following the logic of what is forwards and
> backwards 
> of the surrounding text.
> With visual navigation the cursor always follows the direction of
> the 
> main direction of the paragraph, ignoring words that have a
> different 
> direction.
> This is how is works for me in 2.3.3.

I see. This makes sense. I will update the docs.


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