> On 9 Sep 2019, at 00:41, Stephan Witt <st.w...@gmx.net> wrote:
> Am 08.09.2019 um 22:44 schrieb Patrick De Visschere <pdvissch...@edpnet.be>:
>>> On 8 Sep 2019, at 21:03, Stephan Witt <st.w...@gmx.net> wrote:
>>> Am 08.09.2019 um 20:47 schrieb pdv <pdvissch...@edpnet.be>:
>>>> On 08/09/2019 17:47, Kornel Benko wrote:
>>>>> Am Sonntag, 8. September 2019, 14:14:15 CEST schrieb Patrick De Visschere:
>>>>>> In the source files (ConverterCache.cpp, Application.cpp, FileName.cpp 
>>>>>> and GuiClipboard.cpp) I don’t see macro’s which could optionally include 
>>>>>> the relevant code which is probably in the boost::crc module. I suppose 
>>>>>> boost::crc uses boost::array where the BOOST_ASSERT_MSG macro is 
>>>>>> activated, triggering the error.
>>>>>> LyX includes a 3thparty boost-version (1.68), but I don’t find any 
>>>>>> references to it in my XCode project and I think I’m actually using my 
>>>>>> macports boost (which is 1.71).
>>>>>> This might explain it: I’ve upgraded my macports boost and this breaks 
>>>>>> my lyx-build.
>>>>> There isn't any, if you don't use GCC. See CMakeLists.txt:162
>>>>>   Kornel
>>>> XCode uses clang and I believe that indeed the internal (3thparty) boost 
>>>> is used. But this contains only the regex (and signals) source code, 
>>>> besides (all) the headers. The code involved #includes <boost/crc.hpp> and 
>>>> I suppose this code is found in the system (macports) boost.
>>> I have it in lyx/3rdparty/boost/boost/crc.hpp …
>>> Stephan
>> Me too. But XCode picks up the one in macports.
>> And  there is no source code (crc.cpp) or no lib to link with.
> I’m using a build script for cmake Xcode project generation. It contains:
> XCODE_SDK_PATH=${SDKROOT:-$(xcrun --show-sdk-path)}
> echo Using SDK ${XCODE_SDK_PATH}
> cmake … \
> … 
> Does it do the trick for you?
> Stephan

No :(

I’ve noticed that the XCode compile command contains the "-I/opt/local/include" 
directive; because the “Header Search Paths” is set that way in the project; 
This is inserted by cmake because I use macports aspell and magic.


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