Am Sun, 8 Mar 2020 11:06:56 +0100
schrieb Yu Jin <>:

> recognized as virus... try this:
>  zlibstaticd.lib
> <>
> Am So., 8. März 2020 um 11:05 Uhr schrieb Yu Jin <>:
> > Am So., 8. März 2020 um 09:40 Uhr schrieb Kornel Benko <>:
> >
> >> The important thing for me is:
> >> Are these symbols defined in
> >> C:\Users\Eugen\Desktop\lyx\VS64_2\bin\Debug\zlibstaticd.lib?
> >> Under linux, the symbols are without '_z_', that may be microsoft specific
> >>         $ nm lib/libzlibstatic.a|grep gzclose
> >>                 gzclose.c.o:
> >>                 0000000000000000 T gzclose
> >>                                  U gzclose_r
> >>                                  U gzclose_w
> >>                 0000000000001135 T gzclose_r
> >>                 0000000000000fd1 T gzclose_w
> >>
> > Looks like they are, could you please also check? I have attached it.
> > I have also found that is works with Qt 5.12.6 and not with 5.14.1. But
> > when reverting the zlib update commit (
> >
> > it compiles with 5.14.1.

Interesting. I found no relevant differences in symbol names in this two zlib 
so why would QT have problems?
I don't have QT5.14, so cannot check on linux.

> > Not sure about the linker command, I think these are the args:
> >   "/OUT:C:\Users\Eugen\Desktop\lyx\VS64_2\bin\Debug\check_layout.exe"
> > /INCREMENTAL ..\..\bin\Debug\support.lib ..\..\bin\Debug\zlibstaticd.lib
> > ..\..\bin\Debug\iconv.lib C:\Qt\5.14.1\msvc2017\lib\Qt5Guid.lib
> > C:\Qt\5.14.1\msvc2017\lib\Qt5Cored.lib shlwapi.lib psapi.lib kernel32.lib
> > user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib
> > uuid.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib /MANIFEST
> > "/MANIFESTUAC:level='asInvoker' uiAccess='false'" /manifest:embed /DEBUG
> > "/PDB:C:/Users/Eugen/Desktop/lyx/VS64_2/bin/Debug/check_layout.pdb"
> > "/IMPLIB:C:/Users/Eugen/Desktop/lyx/VS64_2/bin/Debug/check_layout.lib"
> > /MACHINE:X86 /SAFESEH /machine:X86 check_layout.dir\Debug\InsetLayout.obj
> >
> > Eugene
> >

Yes, that's it. Important for me was only this part: 
And that looks OK.


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