On 5/25/20 11:49 AM, Cor Blom wrote:
> Hi,
> Take the following, simple document:
> \documentclass[ngerman,british]{scrbook}
> \usepackage{fontspec}
> \usepackage{polyglossia}
> \setdefaultlanguage[variant=british]{english}
> \setotherlanguage{german}
> \begin{document}
> English
> \begin{german}
> Deutsch
> \end{german}
> Continue
> \end{document}
> When I import this document in LyX after the german part the document
> in Lyx does not switch back to the default language, but it stays
> German. I expect that after "\end{german}" the default language would
> be used.
> Do I something wrong? Or is this a bug?

Certainly sounds like a bug. Can you file a report please?


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