On Sun, Aug 16, 2020 at 10:01:22AM -0400, Scott Kostyshak wrote:
> > As a somewhat related issue I have very rough code (i.e. intended for my
> > private patchset) which allows viewing papers cited in the document via
> > the context menu of citation inset.
> > 
> > ATM it is really shaped for my needs but I am curious how far I am
> > from getting something along those lines (see attachment) to the upstream...
> > 
> > What it essentially does is that:
> > 1. Adds context menu item for citation to read the paper
> > 2. Once triggered, first author's name and year is handed over
> >    to external shell script, which is capable to find the most 
> >    appropriate pdfs on my drive and launches pdfviewer on them.
> > 
> > Now, while this mostly satisfies my needs its way too peculiar for master.
> > Namely it heavily relies on the fact that I have all my bibliography
> > localy stored in way that name+year is easy searchable (though not always 
> > unique).
> > 
> > It would not be terribly hard to extend the patch, so the functionality 
> > actually is:
> > 1. For given reference find
> > - path+filename of pdf if stored in bibliographic database & launch pdf 
> > viewer
> > - if not found then URL to the paper & launch browser
> > - if not found then give name + year to user-defined script (essentially my 
> > hack above)
> > 
> > It could be enhanced by listing all possible targets in contex menu 
> > (because citation might include more papers and each one might have more 
> > pdf's).
> > 
> > How much opposition would be to commit something like this?
> (moving conversation to lyx-devel)

Oops, thanks, I did not realize I posted it to cvs-list.
I'll repost again, so the patch is included.

> I like that idea a lot and would personally find it helpful. Here is a
> related request, although not many extra details:
> https://www.mail-archive.com/search?l=mid&q=CAO7dr0jWBgOY8_ozNBQo4FuQpyFZACr1oQ8xzCs%2BnMNS-1Qt8Q%40mail.gmail.com

This seems asking pretty much what is proposed in the first bullet point.
Does your bibtex database contain full paths or they are relative to the 
Are the filename unique enough that using 'locate filename' would not return
many false-positives (this is the way of my shell script).

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