Am Mon, 28 Sep 2020 16:54:44 -0400
schrieb Richard Kimberly Heck <>:

> On 9/28/20 11:06 AM, Pavel Sanda wrote:
> > On Mon, Sep 28, 2020 at 04:59:23PM +0200, Kornel Benko wrote:  
> >>>>> Hi,
> >>>>> I have a patch ready to
> >>>>> 1.) new format (pdf9) + conversion 'docbook5->pdf9'
> >>>>>   This is using pandoc, so that one can display the docbook data
> >>>>> 2.) A wrapper/filter around ssconvert for converting spreadsheets
> >>>>>   to be inserted in docbook5 documents
> >>>>>
> >>>>> The first part should be uncontroversial.
> >>>>> For the second there may be objections, because the wrapper is
> >>>>> written in perl.  
> >>>> That's indeed controversial. What's the justification for writing
> >>>> that in perl when all other conversion script are in python?  
> >> The only justification is my (in)ability to write it in python.  
> > Well, it's sort of sending the packagers the message if you want to have
> > fully functional lyx if should bump perl dependency. This does not strike
> > me as a good idea if this was the only reason.  
> Someone can certainly do the conversion to Python.
> Is it worth an enhancement request to the gnumeric people to include
> docbook-compatible output? Can't be that hard.
> Riki

The output of ssconvert _is_ docbook compatible. But it contains also the 
document header
which we have to discard because we need the table definition only.


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