On Wed, Nov 11, 2020 at 09:59:49AM +1300, Andrew Parsloe wrote:
> LyX 2.4.0 testing on windows 10.
> Normally the cursor is a blinking vertical  line but I noticed when starting
> a chapter heading that the line had acquired a small > sign to give a |>
> appearance, see MWE-T.png. In MWE-T.lyx if I type a T to start the second
> chapter heading the |> effect occurs; for any other letter it doesn't.
> Continuing typing, the > vanishes only when I get to the 'g' of Testing.

The ">" attached to he right of "|" signals that you can press "Tab" to get an 
autocomplete popup. This can be partly controlled by the preferences in Editing 
> Input Completion, although I just checked and the "Cursor indicator" is 
checked and greyed out for me for some reason.

The behavior that changed with respect to previous LyX versions is that the ">" 
is now much larger on some screens (including mine). Before, it was miniscule 
and you could only notice it if you were looking for it. You can read more 
about this issue here:


After the above, what are your updated thoughts? Do you find the ">" annoying? 
Do any of the preferences do what you want (e.g., disable it)?


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