On 12/5/20 1:48 PM, Thibaut Cuvelier wrote:
> Dear list,
> I often find myself wandering through the source code of LyX. I can do
> that with my IDE, but it often breaks my flow of thoughts (e.g., I'm
> just checking how one specific component works, while I'm already
> working on a few files that use that module). That's why I usually try
> to use either LyX's Trac (which is very slow) or an unofficial GitHub
> repo (like https://github.com/cburschka/lyx
> <https://github.com/cburschka/lyx>).
> Would it be possible to have an official GitHub /mirror/ for LyX? I'm
> not proposing at all to switch all development to GitHub (you could
> not forbid force-push on the repo anymore, for instance), only to have
> a read-only copy of the Git repo.
> Read-only would mean that issues and pull requests would be completely
> disabled and/or ignored (you can add a message when someone starts to
> write an issue or a pull request to warn that this is not a way of
> collaborating to the project, suggesting other ways of reaching the
> developers). This is how Qt works: https://github.com/qt
> <https://github.com/qt>
> There is already https://github.com/cburschka/lyx
> <https://github.com/cburschka/lyx>, but the problem is that it is not
> official, and you don't really know how often it is updated. For an
> official mirror, I suppose it would be easy to have an update of the
> mirror after every push (although I'm not really knowledgeable about
> this kind of use of Git).
> (On a more practical side, the "lyx" username is already taken, but
> not yet "lyx-project": https://github.com/lyx-project
> <https://github.com/lyx-project>.)
> The benefits of such a mirror would be two-fold:
> - help people wander through the source code (mostly developers)
> - make the project easier to find, as GitHub is the /de facto/
> software hub right now (mostly users)
> What do you think of it? I already made a quick search in the mailing
> list, but I did not the topic being discussed.

I think this would be fine. It is indeed painful to search the source on


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