Am Sat, 12 Dec 2020 19:05:16 +0200
schrieb Yuriy Skalko <>:

> >> To be frank I am not competent to review this.
> >>
> >> The code in the nod library seems well written and commented. It has
> >> not be touched for 2 years, but it is maybe because it does not need
> >> to. This code should be maintainable at worst.
> >>
> >> The fact that Yuriy has researched all the possible alternatives is
> >> good too.
> >>
> >> If we get rid of Boost.signal2, then the size of boost will not be a
> >> concern anymore.
> >>
> >> Any thoughts?  
> > 
> > 
> > I'm not really competent, either. But if there were going to be
> > problems, I think we would see them fairly quickly. Maybe it would be a
> > good time, after this were committed, to do another alpha-ish release.
> > 
> > Riki  
> Here is an update moving nod library to proper place in 3rdparty 
> directory. I've updated build files, but not sure about automake. Cmake 
> should be OK.
> Guillaume worked on sgnals-slots code. If he is still on this list, his 
> review will be helpful.
> Yuriy

I got:
/usr2/src/lyx/lyx-git/src/support/ForkedCalls.cpp: In function ‘void
error: ‘strerror’ was not declared in this scope << strerror(errno) << endl;
/usr2/src/lyx/lyx-git/src/support/ForkedCalls.cpp:626:14: note: suggested 
‘perror’ << strerror(errno) << endl;

This one is declared in "string.h" (so not c++?)


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