On 1/6/21 4:28 AM, Thomas wrote:
> Riki:
> I assume that you are saying the following about how I would work - re EqRef 
> - with 2.4.0.
> First time use:
>>> To generate an internal cross-reference to an equation, ...
>>> 1.  I right-click on the equation.
>>> 2.  I select (from the now-evident choices) "copy as reference."
>>> 3.  I right-click in the document at the place in which I want to have a 
>>> cross reference.
>>> 4.  I select "paste."
>>> 5.  This leaves something of the form "Ref: eq: ...".
>>> 6.  I right-click on that and select “(<Reference>).”
>>> 7.  This leaves something of the form “EqRef:...”. 
> After that (at least for the one file and perhaps across all my use of LyX):
>>> To generate an internal cross-reference to an equation, ...
>>> 1.  I right-click on the equation.
>>> 2.  I select (from the now-evident choices) "copy as reference."
>>> 3.  I right-click in the document at the place in which I want to have a 
>>> cross reference.
>>> 4.  I select "paste."
>>>     This leaves something of the form “EqRef:...”.
> If so, please let me know (now) and implement such. 

Yes, that's right. I'm not sure if this would be remembered across
sessions, but that is presumably possible, since we remember other such

> It would save me much work. (If not, let's discuss. E.g., I am not sure what 
> "context menu" means and may have misinterpreted your email.)

That's the right-click menu.

By the way, are you on Windows, Mac, what? We can maybe arrange for you
to get an updated version with just this fix added.


> On 1/5/21 6:29 PM, Thomas wrote:
>> Riki:
>> Thank you for giving this matter some attention.
>> Yes. (At least for me ...) Remembering a most recent case should be really 
>> good. (My "most recent (and desired) outcome" has remained unchanged for 
>> years. I am not certain if or how I would need to "communicate to LyX" my 
>> "choice." 
> Sorry, I meant that we, the developers, have various options what choice to 
> make about what new functionality to include. It sounds like the right choice 
> here is: let the context menu remember what the last format chosen was.
>> Please keep me posted regarding progress. I normally do not track 
>> improvements to LyX. So, a notice from you to "update LyX to get the new 
>> capability" would be appreciated.
> This will be in LyX 2.4.0, I expect. Which, hopefully, will be in March.
> But we'll see.
>> Separately, let me see if you have advice regarding one more topic.
>> Many scientific publishers offer (and seem very much to encourage the use 
>> of) downloadable templates for specific journals. As far as I can tell, most 
>> of those templates do not appear via my combination of LyX and MikTeX. I 
>> have tried to follow various procedures that LyX and other sources describe 
>> for installing templates. Only once have I been able to actually find the 
>> right directories and "make it work." (The template was something like 
>> svmono, from Springer.) Usually, the templates and (if any) accompanying 
>> instructions seem inadequate. For example, the downloads do not have [as 
>> best I recall, something like ...] .class files. Anything that I should know 
>> or can do regarding overcoming this? Also, perhaps someone can automate such 
>> a process?
> This is quite common, yes. Usually, the templates are just LaTeX files and 
> what you need to do is import them into LyX (File> Import> LaTeX).
> Problems arise if there is no LyX layout for whatever class file the template 
> uses. But very often that's not too hard to overcome. This type of question 
> arises on the user list quite frequently, so if you run into that problem, 
> I'd suggest posting there.
> Riki
> PS Please post responses inline. It makes the discussion much easier to 
> follow.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Richard Kimberly Heck <rikih...@lyx.org>
>> Sent: Tuesday, January 5, 2021 2:38 PM
>> To: Thomas <thomas.j.buckho...@gmail.com>; lyx-devel@lists.lyx.org
>> Subject: Re: #11371: default equation reference format
>> On 1/5/21 3:09 PM, Thomas wrote:
>>> Permit me to describe the situation. Hopefully, you can tell "what to do" 
>>> or "what to set" (or you can prioritize an upgrade).
>>> I have a long document with many (more than 100) equations and many tables.
>>> To generate an internal cross-reference to an equation, ...
>>> 1.  I right-click on the equation.
>>> 2.  I select (from the now-evident choices) "copy as reference."
>>> 3.  I right-click in the document at the place in which I want to have a 
>>> cross reference.
>>> 4.  I select "paste."
>>> 5.  This leaves something of the form "Ref: eq: ...".
>>> 6.  I right-click on that and select “(<Reference>).”
>>> 7.  This leaves something of the form “EqRef:...”.
>>> My request features a desire to obtain the result (7. above) without having 
>>> to cope with (at least) steps 5 and 6.
>>> Trying to use "Insert > Cross-reference" is prohibitively difficult. The 
>>> list from which to make a selection is too big.
>>> I would think that a "remember and act on the last choice" feature would be 
>>> a benefit for many people. In my case, I want all cross-references to 
>>> equations to be of the same form ("EqRef: ..."). It may be reasonable to 
>>> suppose that many other people would want (after making a one-time setting 
>>> or a first-time choice) uniformity throughout a document.
>> This is the use-case Scott mentioned. It sounds like remembering the last 
>> choice is what would be best here, yes?
>> This is slightly tricky to do, but hardly impossible.
>> Riki

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