On 12-Apr-2001 Romuald POTEAU wrote:
> Dear lyx developpers,
> may be is it a bug, but lyx 1.1.6fix1 systematically crashes when I perform
> manipulations on a table.
> Before dying, lyx provides the following message :
> Tabular format < 5 is not supported anymore
> Get an older version of LyX (< 1.1.x) for conversion!

Well this is a file created with a LyX-version < 1.0.4, but obviously it
shouldn't crash! What system are you working on?

> I hope the following lines help. Good luck and thank you for your wonderful
> work.

Well if you compiled it yourself and used g++ 2.96 then we've seen that the
optimizer there has a bug! Otherwise could you send me the file and I have
a look here with the latest release!


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Italienallee 13/N       Tel/Fax: +39-0471-450260 / +39-0471-450253
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"It may be that our role on this planet is not to worship God but to
 create him."
 -Arthur C. Clarke

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