On 1/12/21 11:35 AM, Yu Jin wrote:
> Am Mo., 11. Jan. 2021 um 19:40 Uhr schrieb Richard Kimberly Heck
> <rikih...@lyx.org <mailto:rikih...@lyx.org>>:
>     On 1/11/21 1:38 PM, Yu Jin wrote:
>>     Am Mo., 11. Jan. 2021 um 18:36 Uhr schrieb Richard Kimberly Heck
>>     <rikih...@lyx.org <mailto:rikih...@lyx.org>>:
>>         I've just uploaded Eugene's Windows binaries to the ftp
>>         server and will
>>         wait 24 hours for the mirrors to sync before doing the alpha
>>         1 release.
>>         Once that's done, we should start getting more feedback. But,
>>         as was
>>         said in our developer's meeting today, the master branch is
>>         pretty
>>         stable, so we hope to be able to move forward pretty quickly
>>         towards beta.
>>         Toward that end, efforts now should be focused on fixing bugs
>>         and
>>         polishing the new features in 2.4. That said: Are there any
>>         new features
>>         people would still like to get into 2.4 that require format
>>         changes? If
>>         so, then those will be considered. Features that do not
>>         require format
>>         changes can also be considered but are less pressing, since
>>         they could
>>         be added during the 2.4 cycle. Once we have some sense for
>>         the work that
>>         needs doing, we can set a target date for feature freeze.
>>         Please note that bugs targeted to 2.3.x and 2.4.0 are listed
>>         on the bug
>>         tracker home page
>>         <https://www.lyx.org/trac/wiki/BugTrackerHome
>>         <https://www.lyx.org/trac/wiki/BugTrackerHome>>.
>>         Obviously, not all of these will get fixed, and many of them
>>         are quite
>>         minor. But if you're looking for something to do....
>>     Would it make sense to remove the old wininstaller folder and do
>>     the related stuff to the tarballs build process (how you call
>>     that), so that it includes all the necessary files for the new
>>     installer, before the new stable 2.4.x branch is created (save
>>     some work)? I could do the installer part, it shouldn't take
>>     long, just waiting for the green light.
>     Yes, any work you want to do on the installer stuff, you should
>     probably do as soon as possible. That will give us plenty of time
>     to get it all tested with the alpha and beta releases.
> Done.

Great, thank you.


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