On 9/02/2021 6:31 pm, Richard Kimberly Heck wrote:
On 2/9/21 12:14 AM, Andrew Parsloe wrote:
I've twice downloaded the 64 bit alpha2 installer for windows and
installed it. However when I try to open a document in it I get a
series of errors starting with unable to find the article layout, then
unable to read cite engine basic, then failures of both lyx2lyx and
tex2lyx scripts. Trying to reconfigure also fails. When I look at Help
About LyX I see
Version 2.4.0dev (Monday, 28 December 2020)

Is this right? I've reverted to alpha1 which I see has the same
version date:

Version 2.4.0-alpha1 (Monday, 28 December 2020)

I didn't update the version date. I should have.

The errors sound like python errors. Can you run from a terminal?


I've attached the output from the messages pane (with All debug messages set) resulting from when I click on the new document icon. (If this is not sufficient, then Yes, I can run LyX from the command line. What arguments should be used?)


frontends\qt\GuiApplication.cpp (1655): cmd:  action: 3 [buffer-new]  arg: '' 
x: 0 y: 0
BufferParams.cpp (2529): setBaseClass: article
Error: Document class not found
The layout file:
could not be found. A default textclass with default
layouts will be used. LyX will not be able to produce
correct output.
frontends\qt\GuiApplication.cpp (714): Missing translation for `OK'
frontends\qt\GuiView.cpp (239): widget pixel ratio: 1 splash pixel ratio: 1 
paint pixmap: 400x250@317+44
frontends\qt\GuiView.cpp (239): widget pixel ratio: 1 splash pixel ratio: 1 
paint pixmap: 400x250@317+44
frontends\qt\GuiView.cpp (1005): GuiView::setFocus()0000020B6DAB80A0
frontends\qt\GuiView.cpp (1022): GuiView::focusInEvent()0000020B6DAB80A0
support\TempFile.cpp (35): Temporary file in 
support\TempFile.cpp (38): Temporary file 
TextClass.cpp (335): support/os_win32.cpp (329): <Win32 path correction> 
Reading textclass: 
TextClass.cpp (150): Reading style Plain Layout
Format.cpp (370): filetools(getFormatFromContents)
        File type not recognised before EOF!
Format.cpp (377): filetools(getFormatFromContents)
        Couldn't find a known format!
Lexer.cpp (254): lyxlex: UNcompressed
Lexer.cpp (333): Comment read: `35 This layout is automatically generated'
Lexer.cpp (333): Comment read: `35 \DeclareLaTeXClass{article}'
TextClass.cpp (335): Reading input file: [layouts/stdclass.inc]
Format.cpp (377): filetools(getFormatFromContents)
        Couldn't find a known format!
Lexer.cpp (254): lyxlex: UNcompressed
Lexer.cpp (333): Comment read: `35 Standard textclass definition file. Taken 
from initial LyX source code'
Lexer.cpp (333): Comment read: `35 Author : Matthias Ettrich 
Lexer.cpp (333): Comment read: `35 Transposed by Pascal André 
Lexer.cpp (333): Comment read: `35 Heavily modifed and enhanced by several 
Lexer.cpp (333): Comment read: `35 This is a base layout which is designed to 
be included from other'
Lexer.cpp (333): Comment read: `35 ``standard'' layouts, like article and 
TextClass.cpp (348): Finished reading input file: [layouts/stdclass.inc]
TextClass.cpp (292): Converting layout file to 92
support\TempFile.cpp (35): Temporary file in 
support\TempFile.cpp (38): Temporary file 
TextClass.cpp (89): Running `python -tt "C:/Program Files/LyX 
2.4/Resources/scripts/layout2layout.py" -t 92 "C:/Program Files/LyX 
support\filetools.cpp (1067): Running: python -tt "C:/Program Files/LyX 
2.4/Resources/scripts/layout2layout.py" -t 92 "C:/Program Files/LyX 
TextClass.cpp (94): Conversion of layout with layout2layout.py has failed.
TextClass.cpp (363): Unable to convert C:/Program Files/LyX 
2.4/Resources/layouts/stdclass.inc to format 92
LyX: Error reading input file: C:/Program Files/LyX 
2.4/Resources/layouts/stdclass.inc [around line 5 of file support/os_win32.cpp 
(329): <Win32 path correction> 
~\AppData\Local\Temp\lyx_tmpdir.nuKJvhzylCem\basicCLbOCI.layout current token: 
'stdclass.inc' context: '']
TextClass.cpp (348): support/os_win32.cpp (329): <Win32 path correction> 
Finished reading textclass: 
Error reading `support/os_win32.cpp (329): <Win32 path correction> 
(Check `article')
Check your installation and try Tools/Reconfigure...
TextClass.cpp (335): support/os_win32.cpp (329): <Win32 path correction> 
Reading textclass: 
Format.cpp (370): filetools(getFormatFromContents)
        File type not recognised before EOF!
Format.cpp (377): filetools(getFormatFromContents)
        Couldn't find a known format!
Lexer.cpp (254): lyxlex: UNcompressed
Lexer.cpp (333): Comment read: `35 This layout is automatically generated'
Lexer.cpp (333): Comment read: `35 \DeclareLaTeXClass{article}'
TextClass.cpp (150): Reading style Standard
TextClass.cpp (966): Minimum TocLevel is -1000, maximum is -1000
TextClass.cpp (348): support/os_win32.cpp (329): <Win32 path correction> 
Finished reading textclass: 
Warning: Cite Engine not available
The cite engine basic has been requested by
this document but has not been found in the list of
available engines. If you recently installed it, you
probably need to reconfigure LyX.

frontends\qt\GuiApplication.cpp (714): Missing translation for `OK'
frontends\qt\GuiView.cpp (239): widget pixel ratio: 1 splash pixel ratio: 1 
paint pixmap: 400x250@317+44
frontends\qt\GuiView.cpp (239): widget pixel ratio: 1 splash pixel ratio: 1 
paint pixmap: 400x250@317+44
frontends\qt\GuiView.cpp (239): widget pixel ratio: 1 splash pixel ratio: 1 
paint pixmap: 400x250@317+44
23:01:16.302: (buffer-new: Ctrl+N)frontends\qt\GuiView.cpp (1005): 
frontends\qt\GuiView.cpp (1022): GuiView::focusInEvent()0000020B6DAB80A0
support\Messages.cpp (146): language(en_US)
support\FileName.cpp (727): creating path 
Buffer.cpp (502): Buffer::Buffer()
BufferList.cpp (120): Assigning to buffer 0
frontends\qt\GuiView.cpp (1739): Setting buffer: 0000020B6F241EE0

Buffer.cpp (2570): Bibinfo cache was invalid.
Buffer.cpp (5677): Clearing include list for 
Buffer.cpp (3832): updateMacro of newfile1.lyx
Buffer.cpp (5677): Clearing include list for 
Buffer.cpp (5634): Pushed. Stack now:
Buffer.cpp (5639): C:/Users/ajpar/Documents/newfile1.lyx
Buffer.cpp (5648): Popped. Stack now:
Buffer.cpp (5650): EMPTY!
Buffer.cpp (5002): Bibfiles unchanged.
Buffer.cpp (5677): Clearing include list for 
frontends\qt\GuiApplication.cpp (714): Missing translation for `Scroll Left'
frontends\qt\GuiApplication.cpp (714): Missing translation for `Scroll Right'
Intl.cpp (79): Initializing key mappings...
Trans.cpp (623): Disabling keymap
frontends\qt\GuiFontLoader.cpp (385): Font 'Roman, Medium, Upright, Normal, 
none, Emphasis Off, Underline Off, Double underline Off, Wavy underline Off, 
Strike out Off, Cross out Off, Noun Off, ' matched by
Times New Roman
frontends\qt\GuiFontLoader.cpp (389): This font is an exact match
frontends\qt\GuiFontLoader.cpp (399): The font has size: 12
frontends\qt\GuiFontMetrics.cpp (141): Italic slope: -0
BufferView.cpp (2862): metrics:  anchor pit = 0 anchor ypos = 47
BufferView.cpp (2898): Metrics:  anchor pit = 0 anchor ypos = 47 y1 = 0 y2 = 83 
pit1 = -1 pit2 = 1
BufferView.cpp (3287):          --- START NODRAW ---
BufferView.cpp (3332): Strategy: FullScreenUpdate
BufferView.cpp (3356):           --- END NODRAW ---
BufferView.cpp (579):  Updating scrollbar: height: 1 curr par: 0 default height 
BufferView.cpp (595): storing height for pit 0 : 83
BufferView.cpp (2907): BufferView::updateMetrics
CoordCache.cpp (41): InsetCache is empty.
frontends\qt\GuiWorkArea.cpp (226): viewport width: 638  viewport height: 478
support/os_win32.cpp (329): <Win32 path correction> 
frontends\qt\GuiView.cpp (1005): GuiView::setFocus()0000020B6DAB80A0
frontends\qt\GuiView.cpp (1022): GuiView::focusInEvent()0000020B6DAB80A0
BufferView.cpp (2862): metrics:  anchor pit = 0 anchor ypos = 47
BufferView.cpp (2898): Metrics:  anchor pit = 0 anchor ypos = 47 y1 = 0 y2 = 83 
pit1 = -1 pit2 = 1
BufferView.cpp (3287):          --- START NODRAW ---
BufferView.cpp (3332): Strategy: FullScreenUpdate
BufferView.cpp (3356):           --- END NODRAW ---
BufferView.cpp (579):  Updating scrollbar: height: 1 curr par: 0 default height 
BufferView.cpp (595): storing height for pit 0 : 83
BufferView.cpp (2907): BufferView::updateMetrics
CoordCache.cpp (41): InsetCache is empty.
frontends\qt\GuiWorkArea.cpp (370): WorkArea::redraw screen
CoordCache.cpp (41): InsetCache is empty.
frontends\qt\GuiWorkArea.cpp (695): GuiWorkArea::focusInEvent(): 

frontends\qt\GuiView.cpp (1598): Setting current wa: 0000020B6DAF18D0

BufferView.cpp (2862): metrics:  anchor pit = 0 anchor ypos = 47
BufferView.cpp (2898): Metrics:  anchor pit = 0 anchor ypos = 47 y1 = 0 y2 = 83 
pit1 = -1 pit2 = 1
BufferView.cpp (3287):          --- START NODRAW ---
BufferView.cpp (3332): Strategy: FullScreenUpdate
BufferView.cpp (3356):           --- END NODRAW ---
BufferView.cpp (579):  Updating scrollbar: height: 1 curr par: 0 default height 
BufferView.cpp (595): storing height for pit 0 : 83
BufferView.cpp (2907): BufferView::updateMetrics
CoordCache.cpp (41): InsetCache is empty.
frontends\qt\GuiWorkArea.cpp (370): WorkArea::redraw screen
CoordCache.cpp (41): InsetCache is empty.
support/os_win32.cpp (329): <Win32 path correction> 
frontends\qt\TocWidget.cpp (401): TocWidget::select(): QModelIndex is invalid!
frontends\qt\LayoutBox.cpp (490): Already had Standard selected.
frontends\qt\GuiWorkArea.cpp (1794): currentTabChanged 0 File: 
frontends\qt\GuiView.cpp (1628): Current wa: 0000020B6DAF18D0, Current main wa: 
Buffer.cpp (3832): updateMacro of newfile1.lyx
Buffer.cpp (5677): Clearing include list for 
Buffer.cpp (5634): Pushed. Stack now:
Buffer.cpp (5639): C:/Users/ajpar/Documents/newfile1.lyx
Buffer.cpp (5648): Popped. Stack now:
Buffer.cpp (5650): EMPTY!
Buffer.cpp (5002): Bibfiles unchanged.
Buffer.cpp (5677): Clearing include list for 
frontends\qt\TocWidget.cpp (401): TocWidget::select(): QModelIndex is invalid!
support/os_win32.cpp (329): <Win32 path correction> 
frontends\qt\TocWidget.cpp (401): TocWidget::select(): QModelIndex is invalid!
frontends\qt\LayoutBox.cpp (490): Already had Standard selected.
frontends\qt\GuiWorkArea.cpp (1794): currentTabChanged 0 File: 
frontends\qt\GuiApplication.cpp (714): Missing translation for `Close Tab'
frontends\qt\GuiWorkArea.cpp (1960): updateTabTexts() iteration start
frontends\qt\GuiWorkArea.cpp (1977): it = C:/Users/ajpar/Documents/newfile1.lyx 
=> newfile1
frontends\qt\GuiWorkArea.cpp (1984): segment ended
BufferView.cpp (486): BufferView::processUpdateFlags( FitCursor Force )  
buffer: 0000020B6F241EE0
Buffer.cpp (3832): updateMacro of newfile1.lyx
BufferView.cpp (2862): metrics:  anchor pit = 0 anchor ypos = 47
BufferView.cpp (2898): Metrics:  anchor pit = 0 anchor ypos = 47 y1 = 0 y2 = 83 
pit1 = -1 pit2 = 1
BufferView.cpp (3287):          --- START NODRAW ---
BufferView.cpp (3332): Strategy: FullScreenUpdate
BufferView.cpp (3356):           --- END NODRAW ---
BufferView.cpp (579):  Updating scrollbar: height: 1 curr par: 0 default height 
BufferView.cpp (595): storing height for pit 0 : 83
BufferView.cpp (2907): BufferView::updateMetrics
CoordCache.cpp (41): InsetCache is empty.
BufferView.cpp (538): Cumulative flags: ForceDraw 
TextMetrics.cpp (1289): y: 0 cache size: 1
TextMetrics.cpp (1331): examining: pit: 0 y: 47
TextMetrics.cpp (1341): found best y: 47 for pit: 0
TextMetrics.cpp (1489): x: 0 y: 0  pit: 0
TextMetrics.cpp (1500): No inset hit. 
frontends\qt\GuiWorkArea.cpp (370): WorkArea::redraw screen
CoordCache.cpp (41): InsetCache is empty.
frontends\qt\GuiView.cpp (1598): Setting current wa: 0000020B6DAF18D0

BufferView.cpp (936): scrolling to cursor
BufferView.cpp (486): BufferView::processUpdateFlags( FitCursor )  buffer: 
Buffer.cpp (3832): updateMacro of newfile1.lyx
BufferView.cpp (538): Cumulative flags: None 
TextMetrics.cpp (1289): y: 0 cache size: 1
TextMetrics.cpp (1331): examining: pit: 0 y: 47
TextMetrics.cpp (1341): found best y: 47 for pit: 0
TextMetrics.cpp (1489): x: 0 y: 0  pit: 0
TextMetrics.cpp (1500): No inset hit. 
frontends\qt\GuiWorkArea.cpp (370): WorkArea::redraw screen
CoordCache.cpp (41): InsetCache is empty.
frontends\qt\LayoutBox.cpp (490): Already had Standard selected.
frontends\qt\GuiApplication.cpp (714): Missing translation for `Ctrl'
frontends\qt\GuiApplication.cpp (714): Missing translation for `+'
frontends\qt\GuiApplication.cpp (1458): verbose dispatch msg (buffer-new: 
BufferView.cpp (2862): metrics:  anchor pit = 0 anchor ypos = 47
BufferView.cpp (2898): Metrics:  anchor pit = 0 anchor ypos = 47 y1 = 0 y2 = 83 
pit1 = -1 pit2 = 1
BufferView.cpp (3287):          --- START NODRAW ---
BufferView.cpp (3332): Strategy: FullScreenUpdate
BufferView.cpp (3356):           --- END NODRAW ---
BufferView.cpp (579):  Updating scrollbar: height: 1 curr par: 0 default height 
BufferView.cpp (595): storing height for pit 0 : 83
BufferView.cpp (2907): BufferView::updateMetrics
CoordCache.cpp (41): InsetCache is empty.
BufferView.cpp (936): scrolling to cursor
frontends\qt\LayoutBox.cpp (490): Already had Standard selected.
BufferView.cpp (3287):          *** START DRAWING ***
BufferView.cpp (3332): Strategy: FullScreenUpdate
TextMetrics.cpp (1941): main text redraw pit=0 row=0 full_repaint row.changed
BufferView.cpp (3356):           *** END DRAWING ***
BufferView.cpp (579):  Updating scrollbar: height: 1 curr par: 0 default height 
BufferView.cpp (595): storing height for pit 0 : 83
BufferView.cpp (3287):          *** START DRAWING ***
BufferView.cpp (3332): Strategy: FullScreenUpdate
TextMetrics.cpp (1941): main text redraw pit=0 row=0 full_repaint row.changed
BufferView.cpp (3356):           *** END DRAWING ***
BufferView.cpp (579):  Updating scrollbar: height: 1 curr par: 0 default height 
BufferView.cpp (595): storing height for pit 0 : 83
frontends\qt\TocWidget.cpp (401): TocWidget::select(): QModelIndex is invalid!
frontends\qt\GuiWorkArea.cpp (708): GuiWorkArea::focusOutEvent(): 

BufferView.cpp (3287):          *** START DRAWING ***
BufferView.cpp (3332): Strategy: FullScreenUpdate
TextMetrics.cpp (1941): main text redraw pit=0 row=0 full_repaint row.changed
BufferView.cpp (3356):           *** END DRAWING ***
BufferView.cpp (579):  Updating scrollbar: height: 1 curr par: 0 default height 
BufferView.cpp (595): storing height for pit 0 : 83
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