On Tue, Apr 13, 2021 at 11:08:24AM +0200, Ralf Hemmecke wrote:
> > On the other hand if you are looking for someone who would write LyX part
> > I am not much optimistic. Based on the minimal code flow and users
> > feedback to this forgotten area (CAS integration) I think the devel/user
> > base is rather tiny.
> Yes, maybe the user base is tiny, but to grow it. It would be
> interesting to learn what Lyx actually intends with this connection.

I don't think there is any intention. That code was not fundamentally touched
for more than a decade and I doubt it's because it matured :)
Currently you can type some statement in math editor, trigger in menu CAS,
which will evaluate it & put the result back behind '=' in math editor.

Relevant part of the code where one could start and check how diffcult
the implementation might be is in mathed/MathExtern.cpp.

> > In past I even tried to create 'fancy' calculator build on top of lyx
> > which used lyx math editor + maxima in the background, but at the
> > end I found myself using only maxima itself most of the time.
> When there is interest, then someone (interested) should perhaps help me
> finding the relevant parts of the existing code an explain how the
> workflow is an what would have to be done to integrate FriCAS. Otherwise
> it simply means that there is no interest.
> I have enough other projects to deal with so that I will not invest much
> time in looking through Lyx code.

Sorry for not being more positive, but for this we'd need likely avid user
of both LyX and FriCASs.
We can wait if someone else pops up (Hi Enrico:), but given the definition
above I am afraid we are in the no interest branch of universe...

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