To reproduce:

1. Open (simple) search, and put your cursor in the search line edit.

2. Select a different window (e.g., alt-tab).

3. Go back to the LyX window.

For me, the focus is now in the main work area instead of the search line edit. 
Can anyone reproduce? Strangely, this doesn't happen with Advanced Find.

Has anyone else previously found this annoying? I came across this when I 
wanted to paste in something from a clipboard manager and wanted it to go in 
the "find" line edit. Instead, it gets pasted in the main work area.

Commenting out the line with "case QEvent::WindowActivate" in GuiView::event() 
fixes things for me. I'm not suggesting to remove that code especially since I 
don't understand it, but I'm just mentioning this observation in case it leads 
to something.


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