On Sun, 2022-07-31 at 00:44 +0200, Pavel Sanda wrote:
> Good. This one applies, so it's in now.
> Now that I have you on hotline, any chance to have a look at the
> configure patch we discussed in March? :)
> (Was: LyX 2.4.0 (IM policy.xml ban on eps/pdf conversions))
> Pavel

That was the next item in my list, really. :-)

Now in the context of the pyupgrade fixes this is applied to top /lib
scripts. I need this before working on configure.py.

The idea, of course, is to separate different changes in different

Again the changes are related with fixing escape sequences.

The two options are either add an r prefix indicating that the string
is raw, thus no escape is performed, or to double the backslash.

Most of the time I would use raw strings with the exception being the
addition of newline \n. The added complication here is that since we
support python 2 some strings need to be marked as unicode, with a u
prefix. In order to keep some sanity Python does not allow to stack
prefixes, like

 fur"\begin_layout {layout}"

The f refers to formatted strings, and thus inside the string {layout}
is replaced with the value of the layout expression, u makes the string
unicode (the default in Python 3 and thus a no-op in Python3) and r
would mean raw string and thus the first backslash is not escaped.

José Abílio
diff --git a/lib/configure.py b/lib/configure.py
index 132141dc3a..ab205dd7b4 100644
--- a/lib/configure.py
+++ b/lib/configure.py
@@ -705,7 +705,7 @@ texteditors = ['xemacs', 'gvim', 'kedit', 'kwrite', 'kate',
                'xed', 'notepad', 'WinEdt', 'WinShell', 'PSPad']
 def checkFormatEntries(dtl_tools):
-    ''' Check all formats (\Format entries) '''
+    r''' Check all formats (\Format entries) '''
     checkViewerEditor('a Tgif viewer and editor', ['tgif'],
         rc_entry = [r'\Format tgif      "obj, tgo" Tgif                 "" "%%"	"%%"	"vector"	"application/x-tgif"'])
@@ -876,7 +876,7 @@ def checkFormatEntries(dtl_tools):
 def checkConverterEntries():
-    ''' Check all converters (\converter entries) '''
+    r''' Check all converters (\converter entries) '''
     checkProg('the pdflatex program', ['pdflatex $$i'],
         rc_entry = [ r'\converter pdflatex   pdf2       "%%"	"latex=pdflatex,hyperref-driver=pdftex"' ])
@@ -1269,7 +1269,7 @@ def checkConverterEntries():
     path, lilypond = checkProg('a LilyPond -> EPS/PDF/PNG converter', ['lilypond'])
     if (lilypond):
         version_string = cmdOutput("lilypond --version")
-        match = re.match('GNU LilyPond (\S+)', version_string)
+        match = re.match(r'GNU LilyPond (\S+)', version_string)
         if match:
             version_number = match.groups()[0]
             version = version_number.split('.')
@@ -1299,7 +1299,7 @@ def checkConverterEntries():
             found_lilypond_book = True
-            match = re.match('(\S+)$', version_string)
+            match = re.match(r'(\S+)$', version_string)
             if match:
                 version_number = match.groups()[0]
                 version = version_number.split('.')
@@ -1426,7 +1426,7 @@ def _checkForClassExtension(x):
         return x.strip()
 def processLayoutFile(file):
-    """ process layout file and get a line of result
+    r""" process layout file and get a line of result
         Declare lines look like this:
@@ -1454,8 +1454,8 @@ def processLayoutFile(file):
     classname = file.split(os.sep)[-1].split('.')[0]
     # return ('[a,b]', 'a', ',b,c', 'article') for \DeclareLaTeXClass[a,b,c]{article}
-    p = re.compile('\s*#\s*\\\\DeclareLaTeXClass\s*(\[([^,]*)(,.*)*])*\s*{(.*)}\s*$')
-    q = re.compile('\s*#\s*\\\\DeclareCategory{(.*)}\s*$')
+    p = re.compile('\\s*#\\s*\\\\DeclareLaTeXClass\\s*(\\[([^,]*)(,.*)*])*\\s*{(.*)}\\s*$')
+    q = re.compile('\\s*#\\s*\\\\DeclareCategory{(.*)}\\s*$')
     classdeclaration = ""
     categorydeclaration = '""'
     for line in open(file, 'r', encoding='utf8').readlines():
@@ -1547,7 +1547,7 @@ def checkLatexConfig(check_config):
     # Construct the list of classes to test for.
     # build the list of available layout files and convert it to commands
     # for chkconfig.ltx
-    declare = re.compile('\\s*#\\s*\\\\DeclareLaTeXClass\\s*(\[([^,]*)(,.*)*\])*\\s*{(.*)}\\s*$')
+    declare = re.compile('\\s*#\\s*\\\\DeclareLaTeXClass\\s*(\\[([^,]*)(,.*)*\\])*\\s*{(.*)}\\s*$')
     category = re.compile('\\s*#\\s*\\\\DeclareCategory{(.*)}\\s*$')
     empty = re.compile('\\s*$')
     testclasses = list()
@@ -1563,7 +1563,7 @@ def checkLatexConfig(check_config):
             for line in open(file, 'r', encoding='utf8').readlines():
                 if not empty.match(line) and line[0] != '#'[0]:
                     if decline == "":
-                        logger.warning("Failed to find valid \Declare line "
+                        logger.warning(r"Failed to find valid \Declare line "
                             "for layout file `%s'.\n\t=> Skipping this file!" % file)
                         nodeclaration = True
                     # A class, but no category declaration. Just break.
@@ -1672,7 +1672,7 @@ def checkModulesConfig():
 def processModuleFile(file, filename):
-    ''' process module file and get a line of result
+    r''' process module file and get a line of result
         The top of a module file should look like this:
           #\DeclareLyXModule[LaTeX Packages]{ModuleName}
@@ -1686,12 +1686,12 @@ def processModuleFile(file, filename):
         We expect output:
           "ModuleName" "filename" "Description" "Packages" "Requires" "Excludes" "Category"
-    remods = re.compile('\s*#\s*\\\\DeclareLyXModule\s*(?:\[([^]]*?)\])?{(.*)}')
-    rereqs = re.compile('\s*#+\s*Requires: (.*)')
-    reexcs = re.compile('\s*#+\s*Excludes: (.*)')
+    remods = re.compile('\\s*#\\s*\\\\DeclareLyXModule\\s*(?:\\[([^]]*?)\\])?{(.*)}')
+    rereqs = re.compile(r'\s*#+\s*Requires: (.*)')
+    reexcs = re.compile(r'\s*#+\s*Excludes: (.*)')
     recaty = re.compile('\\s*#\\s*\\\\DeclareCategory{(.*)}\\s*$')
-    redbeg = re.compile('\s*#+\s*DescriptionBegin\s*$')
-    redend = re.compile('\s*#+\s*DescriptionEnd\s*$')
+    redbeg = re.compile(r'\s*#+\s*DescriptionBegin\s*$')
+    redend = re.compile(r'\s*#+\s*DescriptionEnd\s*$')
     modname = desc = pkgs = req = excl = catgy = ""
     readingDescription = False
@@ -1739,7 +1739,7 @@ def processModuleFile(file, filename):
     if modname == "":
-      logger.warning("Module file without \DeclareLyXModule line. ")
+      logger.warning(r"Module file without \DeclareLyXModule line. ")
       return ""
     if pkgs:
@@ -1803,7 +1803,7 @@ def checkCiteEnginesConfig():
 def processCiteEngineFile(file, filename):
-    ''' process cite engines file and get a line of result
+    r''' process cite engines file and get a line of result
         The top of a cite engine file should look like this:
           #\DeclareLyXCiteEngine[LaTeX Packages]{CiteEngineName}
@@ -1813,12 +1813,12 @@ def processCiteEngineFile(file, filename):
         We expect output:
           "CiteEngineName" "filename" "CiteEngineType" "CiteFramework" "DefaultBiblio" "Description" "Packages"
-    remods = re.compile('\s*#\s*\\\\DeclareLyXCiteEngine\s*(?:\[([^]]*?)\])?{(.*)}')
-    redbeg = re.compile('\s*#+\s*DescriptionBegin\s*$')
-    redend = re.compile('\s*#+\s*DescriptionEnd\s*$')
-    recet = re.compile('\s*CiteEngineType\s*(.*)')
-    redb = re.compile('\s*DefaultBiblio\s*(.*)')
-    resfm = re.compile('\s*CiteFramework\s*(.*)')
+    remods = re.compile('\\s*#\\s*\\\\DeclareLyXCiteEngine\\s*(?:\\[([^]]*?)\\])?{(.*)}')
+    redbeg = re.compile(r'\s*#+\s*DescriptionBegin\s*$')
+    redend = re.compile(r'\s*#+\s*DescriptionEnd\s*$')
+    recet = re.compile(r'\s*CiteEngineType\s*(.*)')
+    redb = re.compile(r'\s*DefaultBiblio\s*(.*)')
+    resfm = re.compile(r'\s*CiteFramework\s*(.*)')
     modname = desc = pkgs = cet = db = cfm = ""
     readingDescription = False
@@ -1862,7 +1862,7 @@ def processCiteEngineFile(file, filename):
     if modname == "":
-      logger.warning("Cite Engine File file without \DeclareLyXCiteEngine line. ")
+      logger.warning(r"Cite Engine File file without \DeclareLyXCiteEngine line. ")
       return ""
     if pkgs:
diff --git a/lib/generate_contributions.py b/lib/generate_contributions.py
index d45db092b5..8a9fe9b6d4 100755
--- a/lib/generate_contributions.py
+++ b/lib/generate_contributions.py
@@ -1274,7 +1274,7 @@ contributors = [
                  "Re: LyX 1.4cvs crash on Fedora Core 3",
                  "28 March 2005",
-                 u"Added native support for \makebox to mathed. Several bug fixes, both to the source code and to the llncs layout file"),
+                 u"Added native support for \\makebox to mathed. Several bug fixes, both to the source code and to the llncs layout file"),
      contributor(u"LibreOffice Team",
lyx-devel mailing list

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