Am Sun, 14 Aug 2022 09:27:40 +0200
schrieb Daniel <>:

> On 2022-08-10 04:15, Daniel wrote:
> > It would be nice if LyX's source editors (for Local Layout and LaTeX 
> > Preamble) would have proper indentation and (un)commenting support.
> > 
> > I know that the external editing is supported now, but I consider this 
> > more of a pro feature since it presupposes already having set up an 
> > editor (other than the standard Windows and macOS text editors) and even 
> > then it seems often unnecessary cumbersome to use.
> > 
> > In the attached Qt project, I implemented those features. It probably 
> > needs some more cleaning up. But it seems to work and you could already 
> > try it out if you like. The (un)commenting feature leans heavily on code 
> > from QtCreator. (I tried to improve a bit upon it, e.g. comments are 
> > added at the deepest common indentation as in
> > 
> > 
> > Begin
> >      % Comment
> >      Code
> > End
> > 
> > 
> > and it is possible to start a comment in an empty line. Both seem to me 
> > quite a bit of an oversight in Qt Creator.)
> > 
> > If there is interest, what I would at least need help with for bringing 
> > this over to LyX is a basic setup of the "GuiSourceEdit" class. I tried 
> > it but failed (linker error). I guess it should be in its own
> > h/.cpp file. It could already have the constructor as in the attached 
> > "mainwindow.h" which is code from the source text edits in 
> > "GuiDocument.cpp". I could then add all the other stuff when it is ready 
> > but, first, I wanted to make sure that there is some interest.
> > 
> > Daniel
> >   
> Managed to get the files working. Attached is the patch to extend LyX's 
> source code editing facilities. (I would have posted it on trac but the 
> login is not working currently.)
> Daniel

Applies cleanly and compiles. Rudimentary test looks good. (At least writing 
format feels better than what we have now).


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