Le 06/10/2022 à 14:20, Joel Kulesza a écrit :
LyX Developers,

The MCNP code recently released a total refresh of its theory and user manual in support of the upcoming version 6.3 release, which has been converted to be wholly reliant on LyX.  The manual is available at the top of https://mcnp.lanl.gov/manual.html <https://mcnp.lanl.gov/manual.html> with older versions below it available for comparison.

Good work Joel (and others) !

While I don't challenge you to read this 1,078-page document, I do encourage you to read section 2.1.1, which describes the history of Monte Carlo particle transport generally and the MCNP code specifically.

This is very interesting indeed. But since you ask for comments, I would point out that Buffon was a "comte" rather than a "compte"[*]. Laplace was one too, a simple "Buffon" would be enough.


PS : actually, I considered the possibility that you meant "compte de Buffon" as "Buffon's count" (as in countng needles), but I did not find any reference to this name for his method.
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