I just started to read the Introduction manual for the first time (I might not remember having read it before). It seems to me a bit outdated. I am not sure how many people are reading the Introduction, at least it seems that I didn't, but at least if people do, then maybe it should be modernized a bit.

It is using "author"/"his" at one point.

It also states that

"At one time, all we had for creating documents were typewriters, so we all learned certain tricks to get around their limitations."

I don't think that many people reading the Introduction these days for the first time feel included in this "we". They might not even know what typewriters are. (Despite some people still using them.)

It also seems to describe an outdated "word processor".

"To begin your report, you want a section called 'Introduction.' So, you go into whatever menu it is in your word processor that changes font sizes and decide on a new font size. Then you turn on bold face. Then you type, '1.  Introduction'."

I don't know many people who use word processors like this these days. And you could "misuse" LyX in the same way.

"In LyX, you go to the pull-down on the far left of the button bar and select Section, and type 'Introduction'."

This is exactly what you should do in other word processors as well, I take it.

These days the outdated description of a word processor looks more like a straw man. And I don't think that people will get a good idea from reading this what advantages they get out of LyX.


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