Dear developers,
I muttered something about this before, but that thread petered out somehow. I 
find myself greatly enjoying writing my dissertation in LyX, most of the time… 
except when I am confronted with the limitations of text manipulation in LyX, 
compared to what I could do in Vim. Specifically, I would love to see the 
following text editing commands implemented:

select around a word (cursor is on a word; the command selects the word)
select around a paragraph
select around a sentence (a grammatical sentence, not a line)
jump/select to the beginning of this sentence 
jump/select to the end of this sentence
find the word under the cursor (i.e. show other occurrences of the same word, 
by highlighting them simultaneously) 
jump to a particular word (hit a key combination, type two letters that are 
part of the word you want to jump to, labels (in the form of letters) appear in 
the text where the combination occurs, type the label you need, and the cursor 
will land there

These would make working in this already wonderful application even better. I 
now find myself sometimes considering writing LaTeX code in Vim instead… but I 
really don’t want to. So I am hoping that it’s technically feasible to 
implement these improvements, and that there are developers willing to take a 
look at it.

lyx-devel mailing list

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