On Wed, Jun 14, 2023 at 07:15:27AM +0200, Daniel wrote:
> Dear developers,
> I have decided to try to make fewer (if any) patches and rather only suggest
> improvements at least for now.
> This is driven by a number of personal factors. But also that I have made
> the experience that most of the patches most important to me depend highly
> on whether some developer finds it interesting enough to consider it
> carefully, in which case I think they may be willing to implement it
> themselves. There seems to be too little difference in whether and when the
> suggestion gets committed.
> Thanks to all of you for all your work on LyX! And good luck with the next
> release!

Hi Daniel,

Thanks for all of your work on the patches. You've put an enormous time into 
them, and I can understand why you're discouraged. I'm sorry I did not spend 
more time reviewing them.

In order to reduce the time you spend on patches that might not be accepted, I 
strongly suggest you "check in" and ask for feedback before working on a patch.

I hope you continue your involvement with LyX, in whichever way you find 
productive and fun. I think you provide a valuable perspective, and I can see 
by the progression of your patches over the years that you have achieved a good 
knowledge and feeling of the code base.


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